Chapter 18 Cards on the Table

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The conversation at the Botanical Gardens felt such a relief.

I don't think I ever revealed this incident to anyone, except Peter and Maggie. It has been dragging me down for too long. But there's still one matter in question.

- Daniel.

- Yes?

- There's one particular question that has been troubling me since the day we met.

- Whatever it is, don't hesitate to ask it.

- It concerns my father and the situation we are currently in.

- Go on.

- Why is it that you are helping me? We've only just met.

- Well, it's a long story.

- I'm sure we can spare some time.

- I'm acting upon your father's request.

- How so?

- Well, he's like a family to me. Prof.Winters was there for me and gave a hand when everyone else turned their backs on me. He believed in me when no one else did, and for that I'll always be grateful. Keeping you safe is the least I can do to express my gratitude.

- Thanks for an honest answer. Frankly, I didn't expect to hear such a reply. It feels like there are two different versions of Prof.Winters. The one I know is a complete opposite of the man you've just described.  I remember him talking me out of becoming a Shakesperian, learning English Literature at university. He has always had something else in mind regarding my education. Tudors history has always been his greatest passion and hearing I'm walking away from all of it must have hurt him. But to be perfectly honest, I never had a weak spot for history. I was always more into literature. After this family fall out we went our separate ways. 

- It must have been hard for both of you. I hope you find common ground one day. 

- What about your  family?

- We haven't kept in touch for many years now. I didn't get much support from my father when telling him I'd like to study history at Oxford, become a member of The Royal Historical Society, devote my life to teaching and archeology. He got really disappointed.

- May I ask why was he so mad at you?

- He's a successful politician, a memeber of The House of Lords.

- Impressive. However, hearing he turned on you must have been heartbreaking.

- It surely has. He has always meant a lot to me. I wanted to be just like him as a child, but to my mind, politics is not a very noble pursuit. I wanted something different. So I made up my mind and left, dropping the title of a lord.

Katherine got closer taking Daniel by the arm.

- I wish you reconcile one day. I'd give anything just to see my dad again and apologise.

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