Jessica and Morty Part 1

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Hopefully, you already read the previous story so we can just jump into this one. But if not, here's the rundown. My name is Jessica Wendell. I used to be one the most popular students at harry herpson high school. I fell for a nice boy named Morty Smith. I went on a date with him, got stuck in another dimension inside a crystal for over a thousand years. Morty then saved me but unfortunately, due to having been stuck in place for that long, I had changed drastically and became detached from everything. The good news is that Morty ended up helping me work through it and I now am back to some semblance of normalcy and we are now best friends. Also, since then, we have been hanging out a lot, playing video games, watching movies together, or just talking about whatever is on our minds. I also just got done defeating an evil super powered version of myself but the events are way too similar to Guardians volume 2 so I don't want to get into that. I am now going back to my-- WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?! MY FLOOR HAS A CUTE FACE! 

Mr frundles floor: OOH I'M MR. FRUNDLES!


Mr frundles bed: OOH I'M MR. FRUNDLES!

I AM SCREAMING NOW! My parents just openend my door and are asking, "Jessie, what's wrong?" and I am now yelling at them "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!" They look confused and my mom asks "Why?" and then they look and see my room being bitten by a face and saying "OOH I'M MR. FRUNDLES!" My dad then says "Yeah. You're right. Lets get out of here." We are all now running down the stairs while what is behind us is being frundlized I guess would be the best term for it, and we are now heading into the car. We are now driving and we start talking.

Dad: What the hell was that!?

Jessica: Why would I know?

Dad: Your friend Morty is always going on those weird alien adventures isn't he? I thought this would be something he knows about?

Jessica: Well, he never brought anything like this up and they're not weird, they're cool.

Dad: Okay. Sorry.

Mom: I don't want to interrupt what you two are going through but I feel like it is important to note right now that THE ENTIRE ROAD NOW HAS A FACE AND IS BITING OTHER CARS!

Mr frundles ground: OOH I'M MR. FRUNDLES!

Mr frundles cars: OOH I'M MR. FRUNDLES!

Jessica: So it doesn't matter where we go? We're doomed? Is that it?

Mom: I guess so.

Right before we all start preparing for our inevitable deaths, a big purple light is now absorbing us which is making us even more confused. My parents are now trembling in fear and-- wait. I think we are no longer in earths atmosphere. I guess the light is protecting us from the endless vaccum of space. We are now all looking down and see that earth is now completely brown with giant face still saying "OOH I'M MR. FRUNDLES". Wait. If all of earth has been frundleized, then that means everyone on earth except for us is now dead! My dad is now asking, "Did the world just end?" and my mom is now saying "I think so." OH MY GOD. Everyone I have ever known is gone forever. I I can't believe it. I can't hold back my tears and I am crying now and my parents are to. That also means Morty is dead to. My only friend. The only person outside of my parents that truly cared about me and saved my life twice is now gone. I just keep crying but now, the light has vanished and we are no longer in space. Wait, we are in front of our house. Huh. Did that light take us back in time? No, that's not possible. Time travel would violate the second law of Thermodynamics. But to be fair, it should not be possible for the entire planet to be assimilated into one face, or for there to be another dimension where time passes quicker, so I guess I should throw everything I know about science out the window and accept that maybe, time travel is possi-- never mind. We just walked through the door and are now all screaming because we see our bloody corpses. What is happening? Is this a simulation? Are we ghosts? Is this another dimension where we are dead? I don't know.

Mom and Dad in unison: I still have no idea what's going on!

Jessica: I don't know either.

Mom: We should probably hide these bodies so no one finds them.

Me and my dad agree and we all drag our bodies into a closet. This is one of the weirdest experiences I have ever had. It just feels wrong to drag your own corpse. Later, I go to bed and just am wondering what is going on and is Morty okay. I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow at school to find out.

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