Nacht der Gejagten

193 32 137

☽ Nacht der Gejagten || Chapter 1 ☾


Jiminbiasnim presents...

Nyctophilia, a KTH fanfiction

This story is about a top secret special forces unit that breaks into the homes of suspicious persons at night

Rating: 18+


Taehyung adored how rain clung to his hair.

He had grown out his dark locks for the sole purpose of feeling the moisture bounce between his curls. If he got lucky, they would dance down his face and kiss his cheeks as they slid off him.

That was his position: Outside in the New York rain. It rained almost every day during the winter season, and Taehyung enjoyed the chill that would nibble on him as he did his job. His squad mates were wussies who complained about the cold, but Taehyung shushed them within a few moments. It wasn't like they'd disobey him; he was their leader.

The building they were hiding behind was sandwiched between a five-story apartment building and a gym that wasn't open twenty-four hours for whatever reason. Not that it mattered. Taehyung and his four teammates were trained to handle public spotlight.

First, they'd dress as normal people wearing different colored contacts, wigs, and clothes. As soon as they found their target, they'd slip into the shadows one-by-one and shed themselves of their disguises.

Their night gear was on, and they were covered in all-black attire. They had face masks that were more like skin-tight scarves designed to cover their mouths and noses. Their eyes tended to be the only visible part of them. Even their hair was often covered by hats and nets to keep any identifiable parts of them from leaving evidence of their presence.

Speaking of, Taehyung put his net and hat on and kept his sidearm, which held non-lethal ammo, holstered as he knelt in front of the back window. His walkie-talkie squeaked, and he grunted before clicking on it.

"Nacht-613 here, what's the issue?" Taehyung asked. He held up his fist, and his squad waited behind him.

The device gurgled before General Kim's response came. "Be advised: German Shepherd on property."

"Understood, sir. Nacht-613 going dark." Taehyung clicked off the comm, muted it, and did a circle motion with his gloved index finger. "Private Wang, get the tranq darts. Corporal Jung, get the muzzle just in case." Taehyung pointed to Sergeant Min and Private Kang. "Watch my back. I'm going in."

Private Kang handed him the lockpick he used to unlock the window of the two-story home. It stood out when compared to the rest of Johnson City's appearance. Unlike the gray concrete apartment buildings surrounding the area, the house they were entering was made of bricks and wooden support beams.

The design choice made it appear as though it was built by old-timers who preferred the red and brown aesthetic. It was as if the homeowners were attempting to recreate a cottage in the middle of the woods, only they failed miserably thanks to how scratched the outer walls were. The cement holding the bricks together were banged up and caked with black dust.

The window was surrounded by wooden beams that held it in place. The glass shook as he picked the lock and hoisted it open. Curtains awaited him, so he brushed the thick white fabric to the side and paused to investigate the kitchen. Black and white marble floors entered his field of vision as he brought himself inside and landed on the crummy counters.

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