Away from the Danger

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Well, it's been a while since I wrote in this thing. Just got back from a detour in West Flubria. I really missed the warmer weather at home. WF was too cold for me. As I was leaving, I was in such a mad rush that I forgot my diary! Thank Seuss it was still here when I got back!

I didn't find out exactly why I had to leave until I got back. It was such a serious matter that Mom couldn't come with me. She's always breathing down my neck, expecting me to need her help. Sending me overseas to keep me safe from the bombs was yet another case of that. I can't be too hard on her for that. At least she'd have a better chance of saving me if I accidentally ingested a beezlenut instead of from an explosion.

Zinnia joined me in West Flubria. Guess Mom figured my tutor was a good chaperone in her stead.


Sonja began to roam the streets of West Flubria.

Her status was hardly known outside of Zookia, so she was granted some time to explore the town. Being from a warmer place, she bundled herself up really well as she walked about, clad in a red cloak with a hood over her head.

One thing West Flubria is notorious for is the fruits that grow there. The very fluorescent blue and purple zippleberries, the dark red wrakkles and vanilla beans. Sonja went out of her way to select the last option.


West Flubria's fruits are always a delight! Vanilla bean has forever been my favorite flavor of ice cream. Sweets are the quickest way to my heart.

That's when I met...him.


"I like vanilla bean too."

She turns her head to see who spoke. It was a boy about her age. He was a Knox boy with yellow fur. He too was dressed for the cold, clad in a gray coat and beanie.

"Yes", Sonja said. "It's my favorite kind of ice cream."

"I like fresh vanilla beans in pudding myself."


Admittedly, I was quite nervous talking to him. It was awkward making small talk about our favorite desserts.


"Can I help you?"

"Oh...uh...just thought it'd politely butt in to talk." He reached down and picked up a zippleberry. "Although I never had one of these before. And I'm from here!"

"Me neither. Although I am a visitor."

"Really? Where are you from?"

"Depends. I'm afraid if I tell you, you'd think I was a weirdo."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because of what we're known for." She pauses.

The boy leans his head forward and raises his eyebrows in anticipation.

"'s Zookia."

He stood back.


I figured it seemed okay to say where I was from. But I didn't have to say that the Dookess was my mother. I had a feeling that I wouldn't see him again but I also didn't want to be too open. Technically I wasn't lying; just playing it safe.

However, something about him made me wish that I could see him again.


"You mean you eat your bread with butter on the underside?"

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