The day of the awakening change.

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Warning: they story contains phsycal violence and swear words, don't read this if you are under age!!!

Person description:

Rose: Girl, Dark blond hair, butterfly haircut, Hazel eyes. 1,70 cm. Pretty, kind, gracefull. (Jacobs ex)

Nick: boy,  Blond, blue eyes. Hair style forward, 1, 80cm, strong, kind.

Tom: boy, Dark blond, blue eyes, mid part hair, 1,77cm, kind caring.

Lillian: girl, Brown hair blue eyes. mid part hair, 1,68, sweet, lazy. (Girlfriend Tom)

Jack: Boy, Blonde hair, blue eyes. 1, 78 cm, Dangerous, funny, killing lust, dum

Jacob: Boy, Dark brown hair, brown eyes, 1, 79cm, fast angry, killing lust, dum. (Roses ex)

Sarah: Girl, Brown hair, brown eyes, 1,65 cm, kind, gossiper,

Julliet: Girl blond hair, Green eyes, 1,79cm, kind, tall.

Rose: Hi my name is Rose Lillywood, i am 13 years old, sophomore in the Maas college in district 7. Today is the day of the reaping. I'm right now on my bike to school. I am almost there. I bike into a path and see Julliet.''Hiiiiiiii!'' I wave to her.  ''Hi Rose!'' she waves back. I park my bike in one of the stables. I walk to the entrance with Julliet. I already hear the director trough the speakers in the cantine. ''All students please enter the cantine the reaping start soon, the capitol changed the rules, you will hear more of this soon.'' ''The capitol changed the rules?''Julliet said. ''This could be good, or really bad.'' I say. We put our jackets in our lockers and walk the cantine in. The reaping starts, i feel my hearth beat speeding. ''Dear students, you must be al shocked about the news, i will hurry up. The game maker changed  the rules. first a random district will be chosen, after that a random school will be chosen, after that a random annuel layer will be chosen, after that a class, we need 30 students, if there are less students, a random student will be chosen of the same annuel layer. In this new hunger games, you are able to kill but it isn't necessary, If you get killed, you will feel the pain but you are than placed in another class and you will forget the classmate who killed you, you all need to survive for four weeks the time speeds up when ever someone kills someone. Alright the live starts in a few seconds. ''Omg a whole class shit.'' Julliet said ''President Snow apears on the screen. ''Hello residents of Panem, if all goes well, you just heared the new rules. I won't let you any moment in tension any more. The district who has been chosen is... District 7!'' you hear boo, and shit, and all kinds of bad words. ''School, the Maas college.'' ''Julliet help i think i might faint.'' Sarah walked to us. you look with big eyes to Snow. ''Please!'' Lillian called out. ''Annual layer, 4, interesting.'' screams appear. ''And least but not last, class, 4VH2! Congrats!'' Sarah and Lillian start crying, Julliet starts yelling ''Its not fair!'' i am complete frozen, Julliet shakes me alive. A capitols Camera crew enters the school and runs to the stage. ''2VH2, come to the stage!'' Julliet pushes me towards the stage. I take the stairs and walk up not as first luckely. hundreds of eyes are looking at me. The directer started to do absence, '''Rose Lillywood.'' ''Yes'' you answer quiek. All other names are there. ''Hm, it looks like your class are not with 30?'' he askes. ''Yes thats true.'''answers Vince. ''Alright ladies and Gentlemen, that means, we are going to raffle. ''Yes a generator will choose out of all same year annuel. The first lucky one. A girl named Isme Sand!'' a small weak girl with dark chocolet hair comes forward. She walks up on the stage and dissapears in the group of my class. ''Next, a boy named Nick Hawthorne!'' a Tall boy blond looks strong walks confidently upon the stage. he takes the stairs and stares in your eyes only. Beautyfull deep blue eyes. You break eye contact and look straight to the camera. The boy named Nick walks striaght to Tom, one of your friends. they greet and Nick stands next to him. ''Alright thats all for today, the rest go back to your classes!'' the director yelled above the rumor. ''Well, chosen ones come with me, the capitols waits outside they will take you to the capitol and after that you get your new district for only the hunger games and the coach ceremony. So enough to do ''''Hup, go go.'' So shockt you don't say anyting but you just follow Julliet. Julliet stomps your arm ''Wow, we are going to be on televion for whole Panem!'' she almost sounds exited. ''Yeah, you have nothing to fear about, Jacob and Jack stared at me for a minute, they want to forget my so bad, trust me i get killed.' you say. ''They won't'' Lilian said. ''They probably will.'' Sarah said. Nick and Tom walked behind us. Tom said''No they won't i won't let them.'' Nick said. ''I won't let them too.'' You turned your head to Nick and smiled. ''Why would someone want to kill you?'' Nick asked. Tom answered before you could. ''Jacob is Roses ex, they broke up 2,5 week ago, Jack was really, really mad at her for breaking up at once, and called her whore and said he will beat her up.'' ''Oh, why a whore.'' nick asked. ''I think he just had to come up with somethin.'' you and tom said it exactly at the same time.

Nick: You just met Rose, on the stage she had you locked with her beautiful light hazel eyes. she seems friendly and pretty also friends with Tom. You walk behind her to the capitol taxi and you hear her talk to her friends Tom starts a conversation and you are curious at Rose. You are almost at the taxi when peace keepers step out the cars, they pair you up with 6 people in one car, your are paired up with: Tom, lillian, Julliet, Sarah and Rose. Rose steps in on the backseat together with Julliet and Sarah as Lillian sits next to Tom and i sit in the right, next to Tom. ''I don''t know what you are going to do but i might go sleeping.'' Julliet laughs. Tom ticks the peace keeper on the shoulder and asks where we are going. ''I am going to bring you to a train, the train will bring you to the capitol. The trip will take 8 hours.'' '8 damn hours!'' Sarah called out. ''Why so long!'' Julliet screamed. Rose only stared out the window. She opened her bag and got some kind of gemstone out of it and held it for 10 seconds. ''It only takes half an hour for me to bring you to the train though, and the train is very luxe, it has bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms, lounge area, many food, you are kinda lucky.'' the peace keeper said. ''Lucky, and what if we get killed.'' Rose asks. ''Eh, yes thats still a thing, but it are classmates, so?'' ''So, what hate is still a thing.'' ''Yes thats right, but i'm sure you guys will survive, The capitol doen'snt allow me to bet, but if i could i choose you'' the peacekeeper said. ''Go take a nap or something, you will need it.'' 

Rose: The car stopped on some kind of station. The peace keeper told us good luck, and shall look after us. It was one of the kindest people i ever met from the capitol. I saw our class, we where again divided into the same groups, and got our own part of the train. You stepped as first into the train, you turned your head to look for mabey the last time into the landscape of the green district 7, i will miss the threes and the fresh breeze. Tom pushes you inside the train. It looks like you step in heaven, beautiful golden cutlery, satin curtains, velvet chairs, big cakes, drinks that look alcoholic, soft tableclothes. You run to the room with a golden plate signed with your name Rose, there also lays a rose on the floor right in front of your door. You carryfully step over the rose and open your door.  A big window, with the same curtains, Dark red duvet covers, light wooden floor parquet, soft pillows and a cart. You run to your bed to grab the cart. Its written in grace full letters: Dear, Rose my name is Cedar flatgrove, Did you like the rose, i am a student from the Capitols Academy. I have a job, if i make you one of the winners, i will win the plinth price, its a price from my school, it will be good for my future. And yours too, winning means for ever glory, for ever money. Your whole family will be rich and safe from the capitol, i know how cruel they can be. I just want to help you, you will meet me tonight with your other group they got mentors too. I will explain everything. Don't worry you will be okay, i fix it. ''Hey, did you got a cart too?'' Nick opened my door. ''Yes, who's your mentor?'' i ask. ''Acacia Weatburn.'' he answered. ''and yours?'' ''Mine is Cedar Flatgrove.''i say.'' Dear competitors, Please get ready to have dinner with your mentors, for the girls, dresses are in the closet, they have been made for you this morning make up is too in the closet, for the boys dress casuel.'' The voice of the capitol sounded. I run to my closet a beautiful deep red dress, with some kind of corset on top. You put it on its perfect. You do your make up and hair. Black gracefull eyeliner, just like Katniss everdeen the winner 4 years ago. Lillian walks in, ''You look so pretty!'' you call out. ''You are stunning!'' she says. Come lets go together.

Cedar Flatgrove: You are standing next to the table, you saw Rose on the big screen, mid-long dark blond curly hair with hazel locking eyes, she was pretty and she didn't look weak, hopefully she be some kind of good district. I looked in tension at the door. The district will be revealed while you step trough the door.

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