The Opening Salvo

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"The score is 3-2. Gassan Kunimitsu lost."

Ishido looks upon the screen before him as he sits on his throne.

Yet another team in their command had been defeated by Raimon. Such incompetence was something they didn't stand for.

But yet, Ishido remained unphased by the loss of one of the schools he had under his control.

But the not the same could be said about his subordinates that stood at his service.

"Yet another school falling to Raimon. You know, for a military school I expected alot more from them."

"Leave it as it is. Nothing much we can do over a loss."

"But sir-"

Ishido cut him off, his lips curving upwards into a smile as one thought occurs to him.

"No worries. We always have another team more competent than the last. In fact, I already have one particular team in mind."

When he thinks of that said team, a particular face and name comes to mind. Someone perfect for the job. He commands:

"Call in Shikukuza Maraba. Let's see what our newest recruit can do."


15 - 1

Zetsuba Gakuen wins.

The boys of Gassan Kunimitsu are scattered around the field, breathless and exhausted in their match against a team that was considered their ally by association, but truly, an enemy. None of them have any more in them to fight against them anyway. No more hope, no more energy.

Hyoudou is especially tired and is down on his knees, as the ace of Zetsuba refused to show any mercy, shooting the ball ferociously into the net and slipping past his hand. He had been too weak to defend the goal, which was now ripped apart from her kick force.

The purple haired giant looks down into his hands, which are bloody and bruised, and grits his teeth with a pained expression in his eyes.

Even though they had lost to Raimon, they weren't sad about it. The loss had in fact given them hope, but Fifth Sector was quick to snuff it out.

And the vessel they used to do it was more than efficient.

"Well, good game, aye, folks?" The enemy ace smiles wickedly.

She steps forward, making her way toward Hyoudou, who is full of dread as he fears what she may do to him. For all he knew, she might just end him there. It wouldn't be the first time she tried.

If it weren't for the rules of Fifth Sector holding her back, he'd be a goner.

As he sees her feet before his eyes, he looks away and braces himself for whatever harm she may throw his way, but her cruel hands take hold of his jaw, grabbing it so to force him to look into her eyes.

"But it's a damn shame, ain't it? Then again, won't be the first time ya lost! However..."

Hyoudou trembles. He had a feeling that 'However' was gonna be the beginning of something he wasn't going to like. And that feeling was accurate.

"It says quite alot about ya? Don't it? Ishido-san spent all this funding on training SEEDs, and yet this is the result ya give?"

The goalkeeper tries his hardest to keep a straight face as he looks into her eyes, but the cruelty and insanity within them drove him mad with despair. This was the face of a monster he was looking at. One he feared most.

With the last trace of ballsiness that he has from the majority he lost of it, he replied:

"What do you expect? I'm not perfe-"

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