Me and The Slenderman

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It's been days now, and still no luck. I've searched many miles for many hours, yet I can't find him. The Slenderman hides well, that's just one of his lovable qualities. Along with his long, beautiful arms and legs, which I would give anything to be wrapped in. His cute, empty face gives him a mysterious vibe, which I am in love with. Slenderman will be mine, and once he is, I'll let no one else have him. Ugh, but before he can be mine, I have to find him, but it's hard to find him in this large, foggy forest. The only way I know he exists here is the pieces of paper I found on trees. The papers consist of illustrations of my beloved Slenderman. I've found 7 of them so far, one for every day I've searched for him. He's leaving these for me! He wants me to find him! I know it. I just have to try harder to find him. Hours pass as I search in the forest, the sun falls as I continue my search, the warm temperature of the forest falls to a freezing breeze. But I'll keep going. Finally, as a prize for my determination, I find another piece of paper. But as I approach it, I realize something different about it. It's not a drawing of Slenderman, but of me. Is this a declaration of love? It has to be! I take it and prepare to return to camp, then I see him. My beloved Slenderman, standing there in my eyesight. I drop my flashlight in shock, but there is no need for it. The moonlight perfectly illuminates him. I scramble to find the perfect words to tell him. Finally, I can tell him how I feel. "SLENDY" I yell, "I LOVE YOU". He starts to approach me, and I stay frozen. Not because of the temperature, but because I want to see what he'll do. The closer he gets, the more excited I get. He stands, towering above me as I wait. Then, he extends his arms out and grabs me. Though his body is cold, I feel warmth from his embrace. He raises me up and now I am the one looking down onto him. Even though he didn't appear to have eyes, I could feel him staring at me, and I stared back. He opens his gaping jaw, but I don't struggle. Right now, in this moment it's only me and the Slenderman.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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