Part 1-The Reaping

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Nike does a spin to show off her powder blue suit that's nearly the same shade as her eyes, "How do I look?"
I smile half heartedly, "Just like Father."
She smiles proudly.

"Would you like me to tie your hair back like mine?" She ask gesturing to her long blonde hair carefully braided back into a bun.
I shake my head, "I like it better down."
She sighs and looks at my hair, "If you're sure you'd prefer it."
I tug at the end of my ash brown hair, and try not to resent her comment. I know she didn't mean that maliciously. I just had never been particularly fond of my hair. Most of the people from my district had light features, so the other kids used to tease me relentlessly. They told me I should go to one of the poor districts where I belonged. Simply through sheer force of will had I earned any respect. 

Mom thrusts some bread into our hands and ushers us out the door, "Come on, we can't be late to the reaping."
I roll my eyes, "Heaven forbid we don't do exactly as president Snow says."
"Don't talk like that." Mom warns me, "Just stay out of trouble. The peacekeepers would shoot you if they ever heard an utterance against the president."
"I think the games are brilliant." Nike chirps, "Once I win we'll get to move back to the victors village, to the house Father won before, and I'll never have to work again."
Mom and I look at each other and she shakes her head. Nike was exactly what the capital hoped to breed, just like our father in every way. If he was still alive, I know which daughter he would be proud of.

We get to the town square just as the mayor is about to begin. I navigate my way through the crowd to stand with my friend, Emersyn, a few feet behind the careers, where Nike has already placed herself.
The mayor smiles easily as if he's not about to send at least one person to their death, "Welcome back to the 70th annual Hunger Games! Thank you for allowing me to stand before you for another wonderful year. To my left I have this years mentor, Finnick Odair." The mayor looks him up and down, "What a fine young man, I'm sure everyone watching at home is swooning."
Finnick's face twitches uncomfortably and the crowd cheers. Like many of the boys from district 4, he has blond hair, eyes like honey, and all the right features. Just as well fed and toned as you would expect any him to be. Objectively, he's devastatingly handsome.

"And to my right, I have the lovely Ms. Ocillia Curqui who came all the way from the capital as this years escort. Let's give her a warm welcome."
Everyone claps and the woman beams back at us. She's strange looking, almost bird like. Maybe that's partially due to the capitals strange fashion.
Her eyes are small and dark, her nose is long and narrow, and her lips are thin, though she's used makeup to make them look more substantial. Her hair is close cut to her head and a greenish yellow like the feathers of a hummingbird. Her collar is frilled, which makes her neck look longer than it is, and her sleeves flair making them appear wing-like, "No need to be so formal, just Ocie, please."

"Without further ado, I will read the names of this years tributes."  She takes a dramatic pause before looking at the name of the male tribute, "Gideon Collingswood."

The career tributes part to allow the large boy through. His expression is stoic except for a small smirk that flickers across his face. His cold blue eyes are set straight ahead.
Emersyn lets out a low whistle, "I would not like to be whoever is competing against him."

"And our female tribute is-" Ocie squints at the paper, "Alice Finch."
I turn to my right and see the girl's face blanch and freeze in fear. Her cloudy green eyes widen to an almost impossible size. Some of the careers in front of me snicker.
Emersyn shakes her head, "She's blind! She won't even make it a day in the arena."
Nike begins to raise her hand, but the girl next to her pushes it back down, "Don't volunteer for her, She's a parasite. This is the perfect way to purge her from district 4.  We have plenty more reapings."

My heart aches for the girl, I've seen her around town. People gather around to hear her sing while she waits for her father and Hunter to come back on their fishing boat. I've even spoken with her once or twice. Her happiness is contagious. Even Nike can't help but smile when she sings, and Nike rarely smiles.
How could they be so apathetic? She's only 12.
"Poor Hunter, I don't know what he'll do without his little sister around." Emersyn says stealing a glance at our other long time friend, whose face is unusually stoic.

Without hesitation I raise my hand.
"What are you doing?" Emersyn whisper yells.
"I volunteer as tribute."
Nike's jaw drops in shock and the crowd stares as they make room for me to approach the stage.

The mayor smiles, "And just like that Athena Blaine has volunteered in Alice's place. Seems like Ms. Blaine wants a taste of victory, just like her father."
I cringe.
"Our only question is: What took you so long?"
I spit on his face and a collective gasp runs through the crowd. Ocie jumps back and the peacekeepers lunge at me, but the mayor waves them off. I smile mockingly and curtsy to the crowd. The mayor wipes his face in a visible effort to collect his dignity.
Out of the corner of my eyes I see Finnick pressing his lips together as his shoulders bob up and down.
Is he laughing?

"Looks like we have an impressive set of tributes this year." The mayor says trying to keep his tone even.


I sit in the large circular room staring out the window. The carpet is an ugly shade of brown, but it looks new, and the room smells as if it's been painted recently.
The peacekeeper outside opens the door allowing Nike and mom to enter the room. Nike refuses to make eye contact with me.
Mom rushes over and pulls me into a hug, "I never, never would have expected you of all people to volunteer!"
"I had to mom, I'll be alright." I assure her.
She shakes her head and chuckles, "I never doubted that."

I put my hand in hers allowing the moment to sink in, "I love you mom."
"I love you too." She gives me one last squeeze before leaving to allow me to say goodbye to Nike.

"I was going to volunteer." Nike says
"Then why didn't you?"
"Valentine said I shouldn't." She answers softly.
"You're your own person, Keke."
She looks down at the floor, "I didn't want the girl to die."
I roll my eyes and turn away from her, "I don't care."
She lightly grabs my arm, "Thea?"
"You gotta come home, ok? Mom needs you. She can hardly stand me."
"Thea, you don't need to lie." Nike cuts me off, "I remind her too much of father."
I shrug, "You're just like him."
"You and I both know that's no compliment."
I shake my head, "You're strong and loyal. Everyone has their faults."
She pats my shoulder, "I'll see you in a few weeks."
I know that's the closest she'll get to saying I love you. We don't do that.
"In the victors village." I promise.
I couldn't care less about Panem, or our status; but I know she does, and I know that she'll realize I'm telling her I love you too.
"I'll send the others in." She tells me.

After a minute the door opens and Emersyn and Hunter lead Alice into the room.
"Athena?" She calls quietly.
"I'm right here." I say letting her grab my hand.
"Why'd you volunteer for me? I don't have anything to give you."
"I don't want anything from you. Just keep singing."
"Thank you so much, I'll never forget it." She wraps her arms around me, catching me off guard, "I'm going to write the most beautiful song for you. Be sure to come back and hear it."
"I can't wait."
She pulls an amber crusted clip in the shape of a seashell out of her hair, "I heard this clip is beautiful, it's wasted on me since I can't see it. Will you please take it?"
"I can't." I say pressing it back into her palm.
"Please, it's the least I can do."
I sigh, "It's gorgeous. I'd be honored."
She smiles happily and finds her way out of the room.

Hunter's eyes rim with tears as his sister leaves the room, "Thank you Thea. I don't know what I'd do if she-"
I nod at him affectionately, unsure of what to say. I don't think I've ever seen him emotional at all, and I've definitely never seen him cry.
He composes himself and waves, "I'll see you in a few weeks."

As soon as we're alone, Emersyn turns to me, "I can't believe you have to go."
"Check in on Nike for me please. You might need to pry her away from the television to go to school or get some food." I joke.
Emersyn lets out a small chuckle before staring at me seriously again, "Please come back."
I pull her into a tight hug, "I could never leave you like that."

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