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     BY THE SECOND night, only three tributes had died.

Jordyn from District Three.

Dane from District Six.

Garret from District Nine.

That left only sixteen tributes left. Athena and Jason had still yet to run into any other tributes. They were surviving quite well, they had been able to conserve their water and find food easily.

The next three days were uneventful, making the Capitol and the game makers angry. All the tributes seemed too far apart. So it was time for them to interfere, however, their interference did not effect Athena and Jason as the pair had wandered back near the Cornucopia. 

Then, on the fifth day, five cannons sounded.

Idris from District Eight.

Jayne from District Five.

Robett from District Five.

Hadie from District Four.

Wren from District Twelve.

This left eleven tributes left, worrying Athena as it seemed like they were coming towards the end of the games. But until the moment she was either dead or the Victor, she simply continued playing the games.

As the night started on the fifth day, Athena and Jason's ears perked up by the sound of growling. That was a sound they had not heard during the first half of the games. The growling got louder, causing Athena to tell Jason to climb a tree.

While doing so, a creature similar to a large cat, jumped from a bush and straight at her. Athena swung her sword, causing the creature to back away slightly but swing at her with its claws. The claws caught her hand, making her drop the sword for a moment. The creature leaped on her, clawing at her face. She screamed in pain until the creature was suddenly off of her, dead with an arrow sticking out of its side.

She looked to her side to see another tribute, bow in his hand. He ran over, kneeling beside her. For a moment, she think he will finish her off, especially as he began to drag her towards the small lake. He took her into the water, but held her a float as the water soaked her wounds.

Jason watched from the shore, his hands wrapped around the sword Athena had dropped.

The tribute, Brett from District Four, stayed in the water with Athena until she gained back enough strength to get back to shore on her own. Jason stepped in front of her, raising the sword to Brett, who held his hands up in surrender. 

"Woah, please." He pleaded to the twelve year old.

Jason lowered the sword, and Athena got to her feet. Brett watched the pair, Athena stepped towards him and held her hand out for him to take, which he eventually did. A silent alliance was formed.

The now trio climbed the trees, deciding it was much safer than staying on the ground where the creatures began to roam. They didn't seem to have good eyesight or smell, so staying quiet and covering themselves in some mud made them practically invisible.

By the morning, more tributes had died.

Desmere from District Eight.

Robiy from District Eleven.

Jetta from District Six.

Tyger from District Two.

And Lorkin from District One.

It was day the sixth day and there were six tributes left.

Athena, Jason and Brett made their way to the next Oasis, however upon checking the water as usual, they found it acidic as many of the others were. But as it was late, the trio decided to stay the night there. 

Athena left for a while, believing that Brett and Jason would be safe enough. She had managed to catch a few animals that they could cook for their dinner that night.

She walked back slowly, her mind had been racing since seeing all the recent fallen tributes. But her mind was suddenly cleared when she heard Jason yelling. Athena's legs carried her back to the little makeshift camp to see Jason and Brett fighting near the lake.

It seemed like Brett was winning and while attacking the younger boy, he was also dragging him towards the waters edge.

All Athena could see was red.

She yelled as she ran towards Brett, the boy straightened up as he heard her. His eyes widened as he watched Athena swing her sword.

Then the cannon sounded.

And a three thuds came after.

One was Athena's blade, now broken in half.

One was Brett's body.

The last was Brett's head.

Athena, her breathing heavy, turned to Jason who was staring at the head next to him. He didn't seem scared, in fact he looked relieved. He slowly stood up, his eyes finally turning to the still angry Athena. He leaned forward and slowly took the broken sword from her hand, which almost instantly calmed her down.

That night only one tribute was shown to them.

Brett from District Four.

However, also during the night, Athena received a sponsor gift. She turned her head upon hearing the light beeping, it landed a couple feet away from her. She stood and kneeled beside it once she reached it.

Inside she found a short sword, it seemed much stronger than the sword she had been using before. She was happy to have a weapon to protect her and Jason. Before she closed the lid to the gift, she noticed a note at the bottom.

'Keep going. This necklace belongs to you - Chy'

The girl smiled softly at the note, pocketing it before heading back over to Jason and sitting down. She spun the sword in her hand, looking at the sharp blade.

It wasn't long until Jason and Athena swapped their shifts, Athena now being allowed her turn to sleep.

Athena's eyes snapped open when she felt hands around her neck. Her hands flew to the wrists of the attacker. Her eyes landed on Frei, the District Seven tribute, who was attempting to strangle her. His eyes looked crazy, like he had been on some sort of substance, saliva dripping from his mouth.

"Help!" Athena coughed out, trying to push Frei off of her. 

Her voice came out wheezed and broken. Footsteps came thundering closer and closer as Athena's vision began to darken. Then the weight that the boy had been placing on her chest and neck left, she heard multiple thuds and as her vision came back she heard a cannon.

She coughed and turned to see Jason, holding a large log which was covered in blood. He was breathing heavily as he turned to Athena, his angry look turning soft. He dropped his makeshift weapon and helped her sit up.

"Are you okay?"

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