Part 3

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He woke up the next morning cold and in the streets. He missed his parents as he sat there in the dark and cold ally, he sat there in silence.

"I can't be here anymore." Percy said in a calm rage. He ran out to the fields of the vast city.

He collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion. He sat there as he heard the light hum of the wheat sheaves being blown in the wind. He found it quite calming.

He left the fields and walked to the surprisingly large city square. He started to run when he heard the riot he had caused by running away.

He stared to run to the large door leading out of New City, he started Leaving out the door when someone grabbed his arm and pulled him back into an ally behind the guard booths. He felt something cold and wet around his face. He struggled to breath in till it all went black.

"Sorry for the scare," an around twenty year old man said, "I really mean no harm. I needed you to not scream.I meant to help you on your journey."

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? What journey?" Percy asked him in complete shock .

"Of course I do! You the great Percy of New City!" The man proclaimed loudly as he laughed.

"Shhhh!! Not so loud you Iop!" Percy whispered aggressively, "Look I don't know who you are, but I do not need a useless lunatic following me everywhere! Bye~"

Percy ran off into the sunlight as fast as he could to get away from the strange man. Then he noticed he was far away from the city, so he looked around. To the left, he saw a tarp and a couple sticks. He picked him up and kept walking.

He soon noticed that it was getting dark, so he found a good place to settle and hang the tarp above him to use as shelter.

In the morning, Percy dusted himself off and put away the tarp in his bag. After a while of walking, he saw a nearby forest. As he entered the forest, he felt like something was following him, but he thought he was acting crazy. He found a place to set up camp and eat some food.

As he ate, a bear jumped up next to him! He rolled in the other direction as he ran. He tried to grab his pocket knife in his pocket but noticed he dropped it while running away from the bear. He yelled for help, but knew it wouldn't make a difference. He continued to run, but lost his footing and got his foot stuck in a vine. He put his hands up to protect himself and squinted his eyes when he noticed a figure with a large sword jump up and stab the bear in the neck.

"Well, now we got lots of food, don't we friend?" The male figure asked rhetorically as he chuckled. Percy got up to take a closer look. He was astonished when the strange man seemed to be the man he met earlier.

"Who are you!?" Percy screamed.

"You can call me Ruby."

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