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*It was Summer Break. This time, we would be heading out to Camp Tipiskaw, which is in Canada. We would be meeting our cousin, Ally, who is the same age as you. Heather, Bridgette, Lindsay, Gwen, and Courtney were 18 years old, you and Ally were 17 years old, and I was 12.*

Chris McClain: Hey, guys! You made it!

Jennifer: Thanks, Chris! Wow! Everything looks modern!

Chris: We renovated this place.

Me: Wait...... we?

Derek: That's right. Got new cabins, which have a bathroom in each one, a new dining area, and so much more!

Trevor: Are you here to see your cousin, Ally?

Me: Yes, sir!

Derek: She's waiting for you all at the bonfire.

Augustus: Thanks, Derek!

*We all walked up to the bonfire area, and there was Ally talking to Tess.*

Tess: Hey, aren't those your cousins?

Ally: Yeah! And my Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Augustus!

Jennifer: Ally!

Ally: Auntie Jenny! How are you?!

Jennifer: Good!

Me: Ally!

Ally: Ryan! Hi, my cousin! You've grown so big! I almost didn't recognize you!

Me: I'll be starting middle school when we get back to Fayetteville, Ohio!

Ally: That's awesome!

*Then, Jensen had our attention.*

Jensen: Attention, everyone! Now that I have your attention, I'd like to welcome all of you to Camp Tipiskaw! So, as you're all aware, we have renovated this camp. Which means we now have cabins, a swimming pool, a security system that will keep out intruders, including any psycho killers.

Chris: Courtesy of ADT.

Trevor: It'll even keep out Rita Repulsa and her goons!

Derek: That's right, Trevor! Would you all like a tour of the camp?

Us: YES!!!!!!!

Chef: Excellent! Everyone follow Chris, Derek, Trevor, and Jensen!

*As we were getting ready to tour the camp......*

Gwen: Anakin.......!

Y/N: Ahsoka........!

Me: Wait.......! What's going on?

Y/N: We'll tell you about it later, little brother. Let's catch up with the group for now.

Lindsay: He's right, little brother!

Bridgette: And let's keep an eye out for you know who.

Me: Oh yeah...... her.......!

*Speaking of her......*

Rita: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it looks like the Fools are at Camp Tipiskaw! And it looks like I have a new target! Ally! Oh, Gaston!

*Oh no.......! Not him! He tried to kill our mother! And now he wants to kill our cousin?! That has gone too far!*

Gaston: You called, my queen?

Rita: I need you to kill Ally.

Gaston: There's one small problem, your evilness. The place has a security system on it.

Rita: Not if someone were to accidentally disable the system.

Gaston: I like that, my queen! Okay!

*Unfortunately for Gaston, he was unaware that if he tried to disable the security system, it would backfire on him. Literally.*

Note: The next chapter will be where Rita and Gaston's plan backfires on them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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