Emerald's Adventure

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Emerald lost her key. She thought she could get it back but was not there. But then she had an idea. She ran to the school and got no key. Emerald needed the key to get home. She made a key that can unlock gates, houses, and more! Emerald did not find it. Emerald said "Can you find my key" to others. They don't see it. Only Emerald could go to Poland to find the key. She said: I found it, but just the country who made Emerald's key. She had to look for the key by going in the 196 other countries. Emerald found the key.
Now it was time to get home by reversing what Emerald did.
Emerald got home. The door was locked without the key, and then she got to home. She told her parents she could find her key. They could find it.
As they got there, they did it.
Then they had to get the key before.
But they had to do it.
One more thing to talk about-the key. Emerald couldn't get the key for 12 hours, so she travelled 1 to 197 countries. Emerald was tired.

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