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Chan pov:-

I woke up at 7 am, to be honest I never thought I could wake up early after sleeping really late. I got ready and went downstairs.

"Good morning appa!" I greeted dad

"Good morning to you too son!" He said while packing Lucas's bag

I waited for Hannah and Lucas to come, after they got ready and we ate our breakfast, we left.

When we reached, we parted our ways. I went towards my next class, I saw Felix there. As usual I went towards him and started talking to him, when out of no where Minji came and asked me

Minji pov:-

My minion Hyein told me that Chan likes kind, well-mannered and funny girls. I thought for a while and finally I got the idea how to make him fall head over heels for me. If I go and ask Chan about Madelyn whether how she is fine now or not, he would think that I care for people around me and BOOM! He falls in love with me!

'I am indeed a genius!'

I thought to myself and walked towards Chan.

Back to Chan's pov:-

"Hey Chan!" She said while playing with her hair

"Uh... Hello!?!?" I said back in confusion

"Soooo, how's Madelyn now?" She asked referring to yesterday's incident

"She's fine I guess, you can go ask her tho!" I replied

"Oh alrighty!" She said trying to act like she is concerned and worried about her.

"Bye Channie!" She said and walked away

"What happened to Madelyn?" He asked

I explained everything to him

Felix pov:-

As me and Channie hyung were talking, Minji suddenly came towards us and asked Channie hyung whether Madwlyn was okay or not. When I heard Channie hyung doing CPR through her mouth, I suddenly got really jealous.

'Why couldn't he just call an ambulance? Why on the fuck did he kis-......... Am I being jealous!?!? Wait, does that mean I've crush on Madel-'

My thoughts were interrupted by Chan hyung waving his hand in front of my face, that's when I came into the reality.

"I think I have a crush on........ Madelyn!" He hesitantly said

My heart broke into pieces hearing that he had a crush on her.

When suddenly Mrs Ha came in and started teaching us.

I could barely concentrate because of what Chan hyung said. I was looking here and there when suddenly Mrs Ha called me and told me to stand up.

"Felix, say the summary of what we learned today?" She asked me

"Huh?.....Uh.... Um....I-I....... Uh....." I stuttered because I don't know a thing about today's lesson since I was busy thinking

"Felix, in detention after school for 2 hours!" She said disappointedly

"Urghh.... Great Felix, just great!" I said to myself

Timeskip after the lunch break 

Madelyn pov:-

I was writing my notes when Mrs Jung called me and said that she needed everyone's notebook in the class and put the books in her staff room. I nodded and started collecting the notebooks.

After I collected everyone's notebook, I went outside the classroom and towards the staff room. Since the staff room was 1 level above me, I had to use the stairs. Finally I reached there and put the books in the staff room.

I felt like I needed to go the washroom, so without and hesitation I went. When I entered the washroom I saw Minji and her minions.

I didn't even took a glance at them, when suddenly I got pulled by my wrist.

"Well, well, well look who we have here Danielle?" Minji said and her minions started laughing sarcastically

"Oh, see! I think her name is, what, I can't see what's written on her coat." Minji said mockingly

"I think it's written as 'A Dumbass Whore'" Said one of her minions

Everyone started laughing lile crazy, that's when I had enough and got out of her grip and said

"Don't you make me angry bitch!"

"Oh guys! She is not deaf nor dumb " Minji said

I rolled my eyes and was about to leave, when one of Minji's minion said

"Slut, you have to meet us in the garden before you leave"

"And why the fuck would I?" I said back

"Well, if you don't your so called 'brother' is gonna be in danger" Minji said

I couldn't take that risk, so I had to go for my brother's sake

"Ok" I said and furiously went out of the washroom

Timeskip after school ended

Felix pov:-

'Now I need to go and sit in the wonderful detention room!'

I packed my things and went to the detention room while sulking

I sat there and started doing my homeworks for today. After sometime I finished it and sat there while staring at the roof top.

Madelyn pov:-

'Phew! Finally school ended!'​​​​​​

I was all happy until I remember that I needed to go to meet Minji and her minions at the garden.

'Urghh! Now I have to meet that hoe again!'

I said in my mind and started walking towards the garden

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