| important!

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Welcome to my book!

Before you begin, I think there's a few things you should know.

Spoiler: This book is about the afterlife, and that can be a confusing topic for some people.

This is just a story, and it's not supposed to make much sense at first. The main character doesn't know how the afterworld works and you will understand more about it as you continue to read, so don't be surprised if you're a little confused.

Since I am a very new writer, I also wanted to say a few things to you before you read:

I don't think you realize how much courage it took me to share this with the public. As much as I love writing, I keep almost every story I write private. I appreciate you simply viewing the first part of this book.

Furthermore, since this is only my second finished novel, don't expect everything to be perfect. I only had so much time to edit and revise this, and I first started writing this when I was 17; I've had to edit this a lot. I tried my best to eliminate all of the errors, but I know that some of them probably slipped through when I was going through this book.

This story is super important to me and I feel attached to it, maybe because it's my first final draft of a novel or maybe because I fell in love with the plot and the characters. I hope you love it as much as I do.

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