chapter 1

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   Langa waited patiently for Reki to arrive.
Classes had just ended , but Reki said he forgot his phone in the classroom so he went back to get it.

Everything went fine that day, until...


He turned around and the sudden call of his name. It was a girl with long black hair in a ponytail, he knew this girl shes in his class. But he can't quite remember her name.

"What's "

"I'm Himari, I'm in your class- anywho. I wanted to tell you something very important"
Her cheeks were red and she was acting very nervous.

"Yeah go ahead"

"Okay, I like you a lot and I was wondering if you would go out with me!"

Langa looked at the girl with a nervous look, it's not new for him to get confessions. But he knew that this girl's friends were the popular 'mean" girls from the class. He was scared nonetheless, if he rejected this girl her friends might go for him, even worse go for Reki.

Fortunately for him, they got interrupted.

"Langa! I got my phone we can, am i interrupting something?"

"No uh-" Langa tried to speak before the girl spoke over him.

"Yes actually" she looked at Langa directly in the eyes waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry i-" he sighed, I can't accept your feelings please understand"

"You know what, fine. It's true what everyone says you are a stuckup, just because you get a lot of confession doesn't mean you have the right to act like a bi-"

"I think that's enough, Himari-san" Reki stood infront of her.

"You have no right to speak to him like that just because he rejected you, maybe you should consider the fact that maybe your the problem." He looked at her dead in the eyes, until she scoffed and stormed away.

"Holy shit that was scary- are you okay Langa?"


"C'mon man, let's go to the park."


"Hey langa?"

Langa looked up at the boy next to him, He was staring at the sunset.

Langa hummed a response barely being able to respond, god he liked the way Reki looked with the sun shining in his face.

"Why is it that you never accept any of the confessions? I mean man, you always have the pretty girl come up to you. Yet you never even acknowledge them, why is that?"

Langas breath hitched, was he that obviously uninterested?

"Uh... It's not that I don't acknowledge them, or that their not pretty. They're all very pretty actually... It's just-" he trailed of looking down at his feet swinging with the board.

"They're not my type..."

"Really..." Reki turned to look at his friend next to him. "Do you perhaps like someone else, is that it?" 

Langa froze in place, oh God does he know... Does he know that Langa likes someone.

"Oh my God... You do like someone! Oh, oh what's her name? What grade is she in? Ohh what does she look like?"

Langa's hands started to sweat, no matter how many times he whipped them with his jeans. What was he supposed to do now? Tell him who actually liked? Ha... 'shit'.

Langa contemplated wether to tell him or not, was he willing to ruin his friendship because of a crush? He didn't like keeping secrets from Reki, especially since he's the one he liked. If that wasn't obvious enough, the way Langa would stare at Reki with lovey dovey eyed whenever he would rant about things he liked, like skateboarding. Or the way his stomach would flip whenever Reki would cup his face to do his eyeliner. Or the way his face would turn a deep shade of red whenever Reki said one of his cringy jokes and he would laugh in the middle of telling them, or the fact that he would stare at Reki's face when he fe asleep in his lap that one time.... Okay maybe he he loved  Reki.

"Its- it's not a girl... That I like" He looked up at Reki's face, trying to see any type of disgust or discomfort.

"Oh! Oh..... OH! You're- oh that's.. Langa why didn't you tell me?"

" I thought you would of thinked different of me."

"Oh Langa I would never- you still you right? Nothings changed." Reki moved closer to him, grabbing his hand on his own.

Langas face started heating up , If Reki couldn't Tell then, then he was sure blind.

"I promise nothing you say could ever make me look at you differently, in any shape or form. Promise"

Langas felt a tear roll down his cheek.
When did he start crying?


God , why is it so difficult to just say what you want? Maybe it's the fact that he's in love with his best friend... Or is it the fact that he was most likely straight and had zero feelings for him, or maybe-

"I love you" he said in a whisper.

"What did you say?"


Langa looked up at the moon, as he sighed he thought of something.

The moon!

He smiled, still looking at the dark sky.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

Reki stared at Langa in complete shock.

He smiled at him, looking up at the moon to.

"It's true, isn't it?"

Langa looked back at Reki, a small smile on his face, he waited to long to do this. Yet he didn't know what to do now.

"God your so annoying" 

Suddenly Reki's lips were in his, he stared at him in surprised until it hit him, Reki kissed him. He closed his eyes finally kissing back, cupping his face with one hand, and the other resting in his waist. They separated for a breath before going in for another kiss in seconds.

This time a bit more heated but still full of love, Reki sat closer to him by wrapping his arms around Langas neck, bringing them closer.

"Reki" Langa said in between breaths.

"I love you, Reki"

"I thought so" he gave him a quick peck "I love you to, Langa" he said with a chuckle.


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