1. Illicit

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Before we start here are some warnings that I must share with you before the story starts.

Warnings: smut, ( male on male) cheating, anal, (male receiving) bucky and steve are losers, angst, some bad words

"Come on, get up here" bucky whispered to steve while he sat up against the headboard fully naked cock in hand.
Steve crawled up the bed hivering over buckys lower half. Their lips met in a lustful kiss, they two secret lovers shared a moment of peace while being fully in tangled in eachother bodies.
"I want you to ride my dick stevie." bucky mumbled into the kiss steve sat facing bucky while lowering himself down on buckys hard throbbing horse cock. Both men groaning out in pleasure when steve had fully seated himself on his partners member.
"Yeah! That's it baby fuck my ass, jeez buck right there!" Steve moaned and shouted out while bucky was meeting Steve's bottom side with his rough thrusts. Steve slammed his lips onto buckys once more he was hungry for the brunette man beneath him.
"Oh fuck! Yeah keep moving that ass on my dick. -steve moaned at buckys words- you like riding my dick baby?" Steve could only nod his head at the brunette super soldier. Soon after steve came on bucky chest and tummy area with a shout.
"I'm gonna come!" Bucky growled out thrusting into steve faster chasing his desperate high. "I want you to come in me buck" steve said while still coming down from his high. Bucky came full force into steve puckered hole both lovers trying to catch their breath.

Steve got off buckys now soft cock and snuggled into his side both men cuddled while whispering how much they loved eachother. Until the bedroom Door opened revealing y/n Steve's soon to be bride
"Steve hun! I'm home! I bought this really cute sundres-" she stopped mid-sentence at the sight of her boyfriend and his bestfriend naked on her and Steve's bed cum leaking out of his bottom hole. Steve and bucky immediately jumped apart stuttering out excuses.
"Babydoll it's not- I can explain" steve wrapped the sheet around his lower half while bucky was scrambling to put on his boxer briefs. Steve stepped closer to her trying to bring her in his arms but she pushed him away. Her chest felt heavy and her eyes had unleashed tears in them.
"I never want to see etheir of you again for the rest of my life." She spoke with no anger, her voice calm with no emotion.
"No! Doll please dont leave. You cant leave me! I love you." She stared at bucky with dead eyes, bucky couldn't hold her gaze he was too shameful of his actions.
Steve and bucky had been in love with eachother for decades, steve thought that only bucky could love him the way he wanted and he could only ever love bucky. But when bucky had been snapped away, is when steve met you you were attending his support group for people who have lost their loved ones in the snap. You had lost your bestfriend and half of your family.
That was one year before he and the avengers fought thanos and got everyone back, you and him started out as good friends. But six months into the friendship steve came to the reality that he was in love with you. At first he was confused he still loved bucky but now he loved you. Then he figured that he loved both of you equally, steve thought he had lost bucky for the last time that there was no way in hell or heaven he was getting him back so he never told you about his love for the brunette or his bisexuality.

Once steve told you his feelings you admitted that you had fallen too. And your relationship began then steve fought one more time and got everyone back including bucky. He didn't mean for it to happen but one night while you were visiting family he and bucky had told eachother how they felt and one thing led to another and they had sex.
Steve swore he would never do it again but he loved two people and one was not the other. It's been three years since then and now steve is marrying you -when steve told bucky about loving the two of you bucky had told steve he had fallen in love with you as well, they wanted to be happy with you. Be in a three-way relationship were they loved you and you've the both of them but they didnt know how to say it.
But now they had no choice, when they did come up with a plan to ask you if bucky could join the relationship they planned on never telling you about how steve had been cheating on you for 3 years with bucky. But now they had no choice.
"I hate you steve" you took of you engagement ring and through it on the floor walking to the closet to pack clothes. "Doll dont say that, you love me I'm still me! Your bear" Steve begged, that Is was Steve's nickname you called him by because he was as big as a bear compared to you.
"Dont talk to me I dont want to hear it. I'm done with you" you packed up your clothes and stuff you had two bags packed, you looked at bucky one last time. "Really buck? I cant believe you, you know if two really have to be together then be together but you dont have to lie to me. And make look like a fool who's in love with a man who cant even stay faithful. And speacliy with his own bestfriend who has the nerve to act like he isn't sleeping with my not so soon to be husband. Your a real great guy barnes. You two deserve eachother, you old asses" you walked away slamming the door behind you steve quickly put on some shorts running after you while bucky sank to the floor tears streaming down his face.
He knew he deserved what you had said to him, how could he sit with you and be your friend while scerwing your boyfriend soon to be husband. He sobbed because he loved you too and steve but what they did was wrong and they knew it.
Steve chased after you "y/n! Please i-i love you please let me explain! I'll do anything please dont leave me" he said as he grabbed you by the shoulders "you'll do anything huh?" You asked sarcastically "yes!" He nodded tears and sobs leaving him "if you'll do anything then you'll leave me the alone! I never want to see you or him I'm DONE you cheating pig" you pulled away and got into a cab slamming the car door and asking the driver to lock the doors, you drove away

End of part one

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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