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aurora opened her eyes and although her vision was foggy, she could tell the room she was in wasnt her own. she rubbed her eyes and sat up. oh. panic over. she mustve fallen asleep or something while talking to draco in their godfathers office.

ah yes. draco. where was the fucker?

"draco?" the room was dark but she knew she wasnt alone, she could hear someone behind her

"not quite, aurora"

she groaned and sat up, stretching her arms above her head "hi sev"

"how did you sleep?"

"your chair isnt comfy"

"thank you"

"wheres draco?"

"i sent him off when i came in, i got another teacher to cover my last class so you wasnt alone"

"thank you"

"how was the trial?"

"you didnt go?"

"ive had lessons all day, you know i wouldve if i couldve. tell me how it went"

"they started asking about who i knew were death eaters apart from father and i ratted out aunt bella and mother" she placed her hand on her head and groaned again "theyre gona hate me"

"stop whining, here"

he sat on a chair opposite her and slid a small cup of tea across the table to her

she smiled at him and took a sip "thank you"

"how was it after you spoke? do you know what his punishment will be?"

"he started screaming at me and then they crucioed him as me and draco were leaving"


"i thought you two were friends"

"that was until he hurt you and draco"

she gave a weak smile and they sat in a comfortable silence as he went back to his desk to do whatever and she drank the tea he had given her.


im so bad with updates now omg what's happening to me

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