Lost to time

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The three teens stood in front of the abandoned house, conversing about the rumors about the old manor

"I don't think this is a good idea" Gilda said "isn't this place haunted?"

"Oh, don't be a buzz kill. This place was here way before we were even born and we're 16. Any ghosts that maybe have been here probably left, this place is void of life" Don replied and looked at the disheveled manor. Part of what he said was true, that place was there long before they were born, way longer than they actually knew. It was built in the early 1940s, and was passed down from generation to generation until it was subsequently put up for sale in the 2000s, but, even before it was put up for sale, it was already falling apart

"Hey, c'mon. Let's just get this dare over with" Norman said as he pushed the doors open. They entered the house and immediately started coughing due to all the dust collected in the house

"This place hasn't been touched in decades, huh?" Don coughed as he fanned away the debris

"Hey, look" Gilda said when she opened her eyes "a family portrait" she pointed at the musty painting. It was of a family. A messy haired ginger with piercing green eyes, wearing a light pink summer dress and holding a matching parasol. To her left, a boy with a white button up and clip on overalls, his black bangs covering one eye, which appeared to be dark green. And standing above them were their parents, a woman with a black bun and violet eyes and a black dress and a man with dark magenta hair and grayish eyes wearing clothes similar to his son. And, despite the dead condition the house was in, the painting was perfectly clean

 And, despite the dead condition the house was in, the painting was perfectly clean

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"How is.." Norman muttered. Distantly, a laugh shallowly sounded through the bone dry halls

"Boys, that's not funny" Gilda scolded

"Uhh, Gilda? That wasn't us" Don replied. Suddenly, the window shutters started opening and closing and the wooden doors, withered by time, slammed shut

"WHAT IN THE-" Norman exclaimed. Unintelligible whispers and mumbles started echoing. Gilda huddled by Don. Then, two ghostly entities appeared in front of them, a boy and a girl. They recoiled back as they stared in disbelief at the beings

"anata wa dare desu ka" the girl asked

"Oh, crap, uh.. watashi tachi wa anata wa kizutsuke taku ari mase nichi" Norman replied

"you speak Japanese?" Don turned to Norman

"A bit" Norman said

"kanojo no shitsumon ni kotaeru" the boy demanded

"watashi tachi, uh" Norman muttered

"shitsumon ni kotae te kudasai" the girl demanded louder

"I- uh, uhm" Norman stuttered

"What did she say?" Gilda whispered to Norman

"I asked who you are" the girl switched her glare to Gilda

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