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     "WOW." ATHENA SPOKE softly, watching the screen go blank. "Two victors."

A voice hummed in agreement. "That's something I thought they would've introduced in the third quarter quell next year."

She laid down beside the figure, who wrapped his arm around her and rested his head into her shoulder. "What do you think they have planned for next year?"

"I have no idea."

"Chy, you're a game maker, you should know."

The man shook his head, breathing in her scent. "We find out in a few weeks, after their victory tour."

Athena nodded slowly, staring at the ceiling and gently playing with Chy's hair.

It had been six years since Athena had won her games, six years of helping Bellona train the next tributes from district ten. They had yet to win a game since. It was heart braking watching the young kids be killed in the arena, Athena understood why Bellona had turned to alcohol and substances after watching so many tributes die. Athena, herself, was close to following in her footsteps but she always had Aeschylus to stop her from doing anything stupid.

The pair would see each other every year, since Athena had to come back to the Capitol with the tributes. However, she and Chy had to sneak around a lot as it was clear his grandfather was not happy about the pair being together. Snow had already attempted to break the pair up by having someone bid to sleep with the girl, Chy was quick to outbid the man. The pair had not done anything together, both were scared to in case Snow found out, but when they did spend time together they were often in Aeschylus' home.

And this was like every other time, Athena watched the last day of the 74th Hunger Games, watching as Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark from District Twelve won. It was quite a shock to Athena and well, everyone in Panem, two victors. Star crossed lovers. Athena wondered if it was real, as Katniss seemed slightly stiff when in front of the cameras and talking about her love for Peeta.

Months later, Athena found herself among the crowd back at District Ten. Up on the stage in front of her were Katniss and Peeta, she had been there years before them giving almost the exact same speech. She had heard what had happened in District Eleven, a man had been killed for showing the sign of the rebellion.

"Thank you." Peeta smiled at the mayor. "We're honoured to be here today. And to be with the families of your fallen tributes. Katniss and I want to share with you our victory. And our gratitude to the Capitol for bringing us together. It was the bond of love, forged in the crucible of the Games, that was our greatest prize. For it is love and true love that allow us all to bear our hardships. That mends the heart and banishes loneliness and gives meaning to our lives."

Katniss then stepped in front of the microphone. "We also want to share with you the sorrows of your losses. The Tributes of this..."

Athena watched Katniss trail off and followed her eye sight to where two of her people stood their fingers raised high. Two peacekeepers walked towards them, quickly dragging them away. She felt her jaw clench.

"..the Tributes of this District were brave and noble warriors. They brought honour and pride to their families and pride to their people. We are all of us united, both victors and vanquished, in serving a common purpose. Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever."

The speech came to an end and the two tributes walked into the building behind them. Athena pushed through the crowd, making her own way to the building. She was stopped by a peacekeeper, who she immediately recognised. Henry let her through and she entered the building, seeing the two victors with Haymitch Abernathy, the winner of the 50th Hunger Games and Effie Trinket.

Haymitch looked at the girl confused. "Athena Rake?"

"Haymitch." She nodded her head towards him then looked at the Victors. "I...I just wanted to speak to you, both."

The trio went into a room, Katniss taking a seat while Peeta crossed his arms and stood. Athena closed the door behind her and turned to face them.

"Listen, I know you've likely heard this from Haymitch but, I'd like to tell you that neither of you are alone in this. All of us victors struggle, our lives after the Games are never the same. But you have to be careful, it gets as dangerous out here as it does in the arena." She looked between the pair. "You're causing a stir among all the districts. You're a symbol, Katniss. A mockingjay."

Both of the victors seemed confused, wondering what Athena really meant. "What?"

The woman glanced around the room. "We just need to be careful, all of us."

Effie then knocked harshly on the door. "We need to go. Now!"

The victors left, Katniss glancing back at Athena before the door shut. Athena sighed, leaning over a table. She wanted to join the riots, but had a previous victor, she would be killed if she so much as said that she supported the rebellion.

Katniss and Peeta's tour continued, riots happening in almost very district. But the two seemed to try and ignore it, as best as they could. It was clear that it was becoming harder for them to do so.

Then one day, as Athena was walking through the town square with her mother to buy meat, there was a sudden influx of Peacekeepers. In a matter of seconds, the whole district seemed to be in chaos. People running for their lives, screaming, trying to find their family while buildings were being set alight and destroyed.

"Mom, go, get home." Athena ordered, turning to face her mother.

Abigail shook her head, scared to leave her daughter.

"Mom please, I need you safe."

The pair turned as a group of Peacekeepers came towards them, one grabbed Abigail and threw her to the ground, aiming his gun at her. Athena attempted to shive the peacekeeper away and stand in front of her mother but she was grabbed by the others.

"No! No!" She screamed and thrashed.

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