NSFW[the forest - placeholder]

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(an: OHMYGOD ITS SO BAD EUGH MAKE IT STOP NOOO FUCK ITS SO FUCKIN BAD anyway warning for intense cringe and graphic sex scene. this is patient zero, i had been writing cringe fanfic for years on and off and this was the first one i properly put time into, so as you can imagine my writing was even worse, so i apologise in advance. i honestly found the ending line so goddamn funny i had to leave it in)

(post editing an: i metaphorically got dizzy from the switching povs, again on google docs i had the different povs in red and blue for ent and hb respectively but idk if i can even do that on wattpad and honestly i dont want to, but it does mean this godforsaken thing was a bitch and a half to edit bc the pov switches every paragraph or so. im so sorry im so sorry i hated it)

(Ents pov)

We were locked in battle once again, just two mortal enemies fighting to win against the other. He was armed with his diamond pickaxe, me with my enchanted sword, glowing a deep magenta and stained with the blood of my victims. My enemy was dressed as he usually did, torn and tattered shirt, the baby blue of his eyes in the past. His tight navy jeans accentuated every curve of him, his big muscles, his big...

Well, you get the implication.

(hbs pob)

We were locked in battle once again, and it looked like I was winning... Again. Honestly it was easy, he was a toothpick, but the issue was he was quick and able to dodge my attacks.

Finally I had him pinned. He was backed into a corner, panting and exhausted. I grabbed him and lifted him up by the neck, slamming him into a tree.

(ents pov)

He had me by the neck and slammed me into a tree. He looked so worn, his dark chocolate hair messy and sweat-drenched, his encapsulating eyes glowing a hazy white as they did when he was filled with adrenaline, his torn shirt exposing all of his dense muscles... I couldn't help myself. My back hit the tree he pinned me against, and a rather loud moan slipped out from my lips, quickly stifled by my hands. I was mortified, he looked shocked. His facial expression changed and he just stared in disbelief. Neither of us knew what to say. He had just caused me to moan, and I had just exposed him to a sneak-peek of my darkest fantasies. The position we were in didn't help anything, his muscular chest pressed up against my bony rib cage, our hearts beating fast together, our panting on each other.

(hbs pov ok this is so annoying im so sorry

I didn't know what to say. I had no idea he enjoyed that sort of thing, I guess it never even occurred to me that he had a personal life outside of our fights. I felt his beating heart, his hot breath, I saw his humiliated blushing face. Suddenly he seemed so much more... human. Some deep part of me enjoyed seeing him in this innocent, vulnerable state. It sort of satisfied some deep longing to be close to him, despite our hatred for eachother. I loved seeing him defeated. Maybe I loved it a little too much... I began to feel a pulsing from low down, and I feared what it was.

ents pov

He was gorgeous from up close, and boy was he close to me. I felt his torso radiating heat, sweat dripping from his forehead onto me as he towered over me. His waist had forced my legs open, and I loved being overpowered by him like this. A deep dark desire I didn't have the capability to let him in on. Our positioning made me long for more of him, and my body yearned for him so bad. Was our relationship too much for each other? The heat of the moment, his overbearing figure, racing thoughts, were all too intense, and blood started pumping harder and faster than before. I felt my face flush, I heard my pulse in my throat, felt it on my tongue. From his shocked face I could tell he noticed.

"Entity... Is that...?"

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"

"Oh my God... I think it's both of us..."

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