1st and final scene

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that moment my prickly paint brush carresses the canvas, you begin to understand my madness. pictures so clear in my room of passion, worth a thousand lifetimes since time itself is absent..

we can get lost for days.
but you pay no mind because this trip was worth the wait.
a place where pain could never penetrate. a place your brain can forever stimulate - you see what i illustrate?
i like how the the moon lit rays reflect off your shoulder blades.
naked to paint, you like how i creatively engage and concentrate.

serious with the work.
you smirk and evaluate every shape my face makes - you find comfort.

you feel safe knowing my ways have escaped hate and now display waves of change, never discovered.

let us build an orgasmic mustard,
sea of seeds see these dreams see seas of scenes that televise extreme beams, never to hurt her.

only to show, how i yearn so much i have learned in a matter of minutes.

no matter the sickness - how vicious the conditions exhibit mischief.. i'll create an infinite spirit of thickness - tremedous and very much resistant.

i enter a mode, Da Vinci codes get exposed.
loads of Van Gohs hope overflows.

bare skin is what my fingertips trace, a goosebump claimed frame as you gaze out the window into the starry night haze.

leonardos room my love hidden maze..
leonardos room my love giveths, doesn't take..

so i ask you this, are you ready to leave?
and fall back to a world grounded by dead leaves - to be deceived by false peace and beliefs - to breathe the breeze of grief as you plead on your knees for a piece of brief relief ..
mentally weak, can you consistently believe, in a world that seeks to seize your dreams and keep you underneath the streets to weap?

or would you rather crawl in these sheets relieved?
because i've received, pristine degrees that can gaurantee seats beyond the highest of peaks.
leonardos room.. salvador dali tunes exude from the fumes..
michaelangelo tools help me subdue, the clues to help sculpt the proof that proves the truth, you pursuit is what I produce..

shall i conclude?
can you let me help remove, all the abuse they refuse to reduce?
rafaello my views leonardos room we seclude, entombed..
please excuse.. as we consume... leonardos room..

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