The Blanket

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The brothers need to wake up a reluctant MC for breakfast, only to find MC hiding under their blanket.

"What are you doing, MC?"

"The demons can't get me if I hide under the blanket," MC tells them as they pull their blanket in closer.

- "What the —?"
- He's never heard of anything so ridiculous in all of his life.
- This poor man is so confused.
- MC please.
- How is this flimsy material supposed to stop a demon from getting you?
- He has some serious concerns about your logic.
- It doesn't take him long to cotton on to the fact that you're playing around
- He heaves a weary sigh, he doesn't usually have time for shenanigans but he'll humour you just this one time.
- His lips curl into a playful smirk
- "How foolish of you to believe that a mere blanket would stop the avatar of pride, let's put this little theory of yours to the test."
- Will grab the blanket and pull on it as hard as he can
- Stares down at you with a scary smile on his face.
- "Your breakfast is getting cold, MC."

- It takes Mammon a moment to register what you just said.
- And even then he's not sure he heard you correctly.
- "Say that again..."
- He's genuinely worried.
- You know, if there was a demon who'd want to cause you serious harm you'd probably be dead right?
- Wait... why are you hiding from demons? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?
- [panicked Mammon noises]
- This man is ready to fight someone, just say the word and he'll sort them out!
- He doesn't calm down until you explain that it was an old childhood belief that demons couldn't hurt you if you hid under your blanket.
- "Are ya trying to give a guy a heart attack, MC?"
- He'll tell you off for worrying him but he secretly relieved that it was just a joke.
- He's already wondering if it'll work against Lucifer next time he gets in trouble... it didn't work, it just made Mammon easier to catch.

- Error 404: Leviathan.exe has stopped working.
- Is this some sort of normie trick?
- This poor guy honestly doesn't know what to do.
- He starts to wonder if he's the demon you're hiding from... is it because he's a yucky, shut-in otaku?
- Oh... he made himself feel bad.
- He apologises and turns to leave.
- He won't lie, his heart soared when he heard you call after him and his insecurity ebbs away after you explain it to him.
- He's pretty sure something just like this happened in an anime he watched.
- Wait... so that's actually a thing that humans do?
- "You know that doesn't work right?" He chuckles.
- He won't admit it, but he's tried this tactic against his brothers when he wants to be left alone.
- He offers to get one of his game consoles so you can play DevilKart together.
- "Y-y'know, until the mean demons go away and it's safe for you to come out from under your blanket."

- What an interesting thing to say.
- "Is this a human thing? Do all humans believe this? Maybe human blankets are made with some sort of demon repelling material?"
He has so many questions.
- "It works against crazy axe murderers too?"
- He frowns and furrows his brow in confusion as he starts to question your logic.
- "Ahh, that makes sense!"
- He finally understands when you explain it to him.
- He's already thinking through all of the spells he's learnt, if you really wanted a demon warding blanket he could probably cast a spell on one for you
- ... but that would mean your blanket would ward him away too... maybe he'll keep that idea to himself after all.
- He really perks up when you tell him that some people believe that cats protect them from evil spirits.
- He forgets about breakfast because he wants you to tell him more about human world beliefs and wants to ask you more questions.
He'll make up for it by taking you out to a café instead.

- "How adorable! Oh but MC, your bed head is going to be terrible!"
- He tries to coax you out from underneath the blanket so he can at least fix your hair and pamper you.
- He quickly resorts to trying to coax you out with his charm instead.
- "As lovely as your blanket is, I'd much rather look at you, MC."
- Honestly MC, when did you become so stubborn?
- [Heaves a sigh and shakes his head with a smile]
- If you can't beat them, you might as well join them, right?
- He sits on the edge of your bed and pouts as he folds his arms across his chest.
- "Well, I can't believe you'd leave me at the mercy of these evil demons, MC!"
- This guy is the personification of the word dramatic - even if he is just playing around.
- "If only there was room for two under that blanket?"
- He gets stopped when the PDA Police (*cough*MammonAndLeviathan*cough*) kick your bedroom door open and call a time-out.

- Worried 2.0
- He will sit down on your bed beside you and gently pats your head or shoulder.
- He knows a blanket would never protect you from a demon, but he doesn't correct you because he doesn't want to take your comfort away.
- "Did something happen MC?"
- Did one of his brothers scare you? Or did he scare you without realising it?
- He's relieved when he sees you peek up at him from under the blanket with innocent eyes and a wide grin.
- He's even more relieved when you explain to him.
- He gives you a warm smile and another gentle pat on the head.
- "You don't have to hide, I'll protect you from the demons."
- That's a promise!
- He asks for permission to join you under the blanket
- That is after he went to his room to get his favourite snacks to share with you, of course.

- He's heard about this before, Lilith told him about it when they went to the human world together.
- He's actually amazed that after all this time humans still believe this.
- But... he was sure it was only human children who believed in this kind of thing, right?
- No matter, he'll happily play along with you.
- "I guess I better prove you wrong then," he chuckles mischievously.
- He will not hesitate to rip the blanket off of you, just try and stop him.
- "You're now at the mercy of the avatar of sloth!"
- He will use this as an excuse to cuddle up with you under the blanket.
- He was starting to feel tired anyway.
- "You know, blanket forts are better for this kind of thing. We can make one in the attic, no brothers allowed except Beel."
- Before you know it, you're both asleep... that is until Lucifer sends Mammon after you instead.

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