Chapter 1

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Croft Estate. A medium land in the northwest england, full of old and young trees, small lands with yellow flowers, a nice lake and troubles when the night comes. Surrounded by creature that consider themselves to live longer before earth was born, known as kivouachian. And this land is owned by none other than a man named Sullivan Croft, a human that's fully respected by kivouack and a Grand Voice, making him unable to be killed on sight by a random kivouachian. He lives with annoying childhood friend Hyzenthlay, four kivouachians Lucy, Shuck, Fleischer and Winifred and with four permanent guests Fontainne, Wexle, Helgan and Ludwig, the Grand Voice himself. He lives in a house that's in the center of his Estate, that has big beautiful garden, small trees and climbers that covers the house and sheds. And That's where we start the journey. Sullivan began walking through the wooden bridge to his garden, while writing notes about kivouachian studies.

After he was writing his daily basis on his diary with a marker, he went to the kitchen through backdoor. He hid his notebook to his coat, tooked a cup of tea prepared for him and took a sip. But then digusted, he spitted on the ground when he realized the person who made tea for him, putted the wrong ingrediant.

''Fuckin hell, this shit disgusting!'' Said Sullivan still disgusted while holding his tea. -Hyzenthlay, Did you fuckin put a salt to my tea?!

Then a white stribed red squirrel with black red eye jump on the kitchen table and looked right at Sullivan with very nervous face when she made a mistake.

-I thougtht you wanted me to put so salt to your cup.

-That's what Lucy wanted, not me! Whot in the shet is wrong with you?!

''Im so sorry'' Hyzenthlay began apologizing to Sullivan with fear on her face. - I didn't mean to. I mistaken you for her.

-Forget it. Just next time think, before you make a mistake.

Sullivan then spilled the tea made for him to the sink and grabbed another cup, just to make a teaby himself. As he poured some sugar to his cup and putted his favourite tea bag in, he then took a warmed teapot and pouerd hot water inside the cup. He then took a small tea spoon and began mixing sugar with a tea bag's dye. Hyzenthlay still dissapointed at herself, looked at him how he quickly made a tea for himself and began thinking about him and the others. And when she thinked about her life being taken because of her mistakes, she felt frightened. So she looked at Sullivan and opened her mouth, trying to ask him something?

-So... How long will they be here?

''... Who you mean "They"?''. Sullivan asked back after taking sip of his tea.

-L... Ludwig and the rest of his friends?

He then took another sip and giggled sarcastically. - Like fuck I would know. Maybe till they take care of this "False Grand Voice'' problem.

-But how long. I just don't feel myself anymore, after they came.

''Like I said...'' Sullivan took another sips till he finished drinking and putted his cup on a table.- I don't know shet how long and when they plan leaving. But Ludwig gave me a promise not to make mess in my estate. Well Fontainne mostly reminds Ludwig to keep that promise.

-And you trust him.

''I don't trust any one of yas.'' Sullivan answered Hyzenthlay's question. - Never did, even when I met them, when I met ludwig and mostly when my parents tricked me by taking me to the private school. Forcing me to wear that shitty school uniform, which it was a itchy sweater. Swear, this fake wool was so fuckin itchy whenever I was getting heat. I wanted to burn all those shitty sweats and throw my principal to that bonfire for forcing us to wear them. Which I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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