Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello everyone!! This is my first ever book!! I hope you enjoy!

Okay, so this chapter is going to be the only chapter named as it is. For example, another chapter might be named "Daisy" and this is because, it is that character's POV for the whole entire chapter.

I hope you love it!!

These people are adored by everyone really. But, out of these five, one of them feels like she is already an outcast, even though she isn't.

She is not with them all of the time, and she is usually not one of the Golden Girls as her friend calls them. This girl is already an outcast. She thinks that, but her friends don't.

She also has a crush on a green plumber with a moustache, but she got saved by his brother.

This girl came from a long way away from where she lives now. Her name is Princess Daisy and she is from Sarasaland.
This person thinks that she is a Golden Girl no doubt about it. Everyone tells her that she is beautiful and she usually just pushes them aside. But, she has a crush on a certian green plumber.

She is from a place miles, and miles, and miles, and even light years away from where she lives. Her name is Rosalina.
She is a princess, a princess that lives with Toads and Toadettes. She also lives with one elderly Toad.

She loves a certain guy in red. The star of the show... In this case, video game.

This girl actually lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. Her name is Princess Peach and really does think that she is a Golden Girl.
He wears green, is afraid of ghosts, and is shy.

He loves a cheery girl that can be serious, but is usually not.

The Italian younger twin of the plumber in red.
Now lives in the Mushroom Kingdom.
His name is Luigi Mario.
He wears red, is brave and not cowardly, and is a plumber.

He loves a pink and peachy type of girl. He is the older Italian twin brother.
Now lives in the Mushoom Kingdom. His name is Mario Mario.
That was the introduction for the main characters.

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