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Dr. Cato's assistant Deborah rushed down the hall leaving a trail of papers behind her. She came to his office door and burst inside. He looked up at her from his desk with surprise across his face.

"Yes?" he asked, looking for an explanation for her hastiness.

"Remains have been found in the Indomitus Jungle. You won't believe what else we discovered by it."

Dr. Cato drove his car through the bumpy and rough terrain of the Indomitus Jungle. He glanced into the rear view mirror as a way to make sure his equipment didn't get damaged along the ride. The car pulled up to lines of caution tape. A man wearing a livid coloured suit, holding a stack of files, came up to the vehicle. Dr. Cato stepped out onto the earthy ground and looked at the scene around him. It had been a long time since he was last in the field. The musky smell along with the heat of mid-day made him wish he stayed in his office. The man in the livid suit walked over to him.

"You're late Dr. Cato."

"And you're still acting higher than your wage. What's the situation Clive?" Dr.Cato snapped in response. Clive ignored the remark and responded:

"So far we've only found one set of skeletal remains, theyve been identified as Adwin Miller based on ID found in what was left of his clothing. No further records can be found in his name, the mans a ghost both figuratively and literally. "

"Take me to the remains" Dr. Cato replied while putting a pair of disposable gloves on. Clive nodded before heading over to a large wooden door which was held open by a large rock. The entrance hid among plants and vines, underneath it appeared to be just a mound of soil. Whoever lived here clearly did not want to be seen nor bothered.

Clive entered with Dr. Cato close behind, the walls of the foyer were made from stone. As they walked along a hallway he saw a door slightly cracked open. Dr. Cato peered into what seemed to be a childs bedroom. Many unique gadgets lined a set of shelves, all of them were toys but none like what Dr. Cato had ever seen in his time. The walls were brightly coloured with red, blue, and yellow. A bed sat in the corner unmade with a dark blue comforter and a small stuffed bear resting on the pillow. Clive tapped him on the shoulder and signaled for them to continue. Dr.Cato followed him through the house until they came to a set of stairs that led into what can only be described as a dark abyss. The staircase went on for a while, around the sixtieth step (he counted) Dr.Cato began to wonder if there even was an end to it or if Clive had just brought him all the way out here to waste his time. Finally they reached the bottom. He encompassed the room. Dr. Cato stood in something that may pass for a workshop but considering a fridge and bed rested on the opposite side of the equipment someone obviously made this their living space.

Investigation persona moved in and out of another door as bees in a hive. Clive headed over and disappeared inside. Dr.Cato took one last moment to look around the workshop before going in. Immediately there were flashes from the forensic photographers' cameras. Rays of sunlight bounded off of a very large golden robot and partly blinded him. Vines grew along the walls and moss could be smelled in the air. Dr.Cato could see the remains which lay against the hunk of rusted metal. As soon as he came to the skeleton he adjusted his gloves to be sure they were tight before examining. Marks were found on the sternum and between the fifth and sixth rib. Besides the scrapes which rats and birds left behind by picking at the carcass, Dr.Cato could tell these markings came from a penetrating wound.

Clive walked up behind him, still holding the stack of files.

"What can you tell so far?"

"Mid thirties to early forties, caucasian male, can't give the exact time of death yet I'll get more information on that back at my lab; but based on the rust from that robot and the amount of overgrowth I think it's safe to say this man has been here for a long time.

Auriela Isaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن