Chapter 26

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Alex listens a little closer

Alex: "Morse code??? Is this why he put his hand in his pocket while he was fighting me?"

Alex speaks out the morse code he hears.

Alex: "'m...being...used"

Alex: "Who is "they"? First they wanted him away from his sister and now they want his sister away from me? This is so confusing. Forget it, I'll come back to it when I wake up. I need rest"


Luke runs to the staircase behind him

Ethan runs to the staircase behind himself

Ethan: *Gale is too strong for Nisha to win another match with, I need to help her protect the flag, Luke can wait* Ethan thinks to himself

Ethan and Luke both rush down the staircase

Nisha just reached downstairs

Nisha: "She's not down here? Perfect, she must be tired"

Nisha get's on the bike she came in on

A dagger hits one of the tires

Gale: "Where do you think you're going?"

Chapter 26

Nisha: "Damn it"

Gale's dagger magnetizes back to her glove as she slowly walks up to Nisha

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