All of my NPCs

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Listed here shall be all of the NPCs that I bother to remember to keep track of, and some details of their lives, keeping them somewhere safe. I own none of the linked artworks, and will primarily use them as references.

Grandmaster Brom: Karinus' adoptive father, in most senses of the term. Grandmaster of a monk monastery devoted to a deity that gains strength from several forms of terrible suffering and pestilence within the world. Unknown age, but very likely to have been granted immortality several upon several ages ago. His body is no longer in need of training to keep it's condition, however Brom may or may not partake just like any other monk, at his own leisure.

Generally a friendly presence, very little seems to cause him true reason to feel bothered.

Brom raised Karinus and guided his growth through physical training, polearm form, and education in dark magics, while he himself has come to master a wide variety of disciplines. His true appearance is almost certainly masked by illusory magic, and so to all who interact with them, he has the appearance of so:

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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