A doctors appointment./A monday in October

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I was sitting in the front of my mom's car.

On the way to my towns hospital. Because

my dad asked a question, and my emotions exploded.

    Once we arrived we asked where we needed to go and headed down there. It

was super hard to navigate but someone helped us to figure it out. They took us to a

pretty small room. And the nurse or doctor idk which one. Came in and we talked about my physical health and she handed

me this mental health survey thing, I felt forced to be honest so I was.
    We got sent up to the fifth floor, to talk to a psychologist I liked her, she was nice. My dad showed up in the middle of the

     meeting and I got "agitated" and after the conversation with my parents which was stressful.

     She asked me questions by myself, which was better then lying in front of my

parents. I got diagnosed with PTSD and we got sent back to the first floor. I had to put

shrubs on, and they drew some blood. It's was about 11? And we got put into a room. Someone came in to keep us company, I

warned all my friends and did stuff on my phone, until it was dead. My mom let me

borrow her phone. Yet my dad was on a fucking dating app.

    It was like 5pm now, I think. We finally were allowed out. I got put in a wheelchair

and we got brought up to the 5th floor again, we arrived at the mental ward part I

had to stand and I walked in and into a medical room. where we talked about what

I will experience and other things I cannot remember. Then I had to put on these comfortable clothes and then they led me to

my room I didn't leave the room. The two other people there, a girl and.. At the time I

thought was a girl, looked in the room and they stood for a bit then went back to their

puzzle. About an hour later a nurse walked into my room saying there was a movie on. I walked out and watched elemental with

them. I couldn't help but stare at that one "girl" something felt odd, but amazing at the same time about them.

About an hour later, the movie was over and we went to our rooms. To sleep, although I couldn't sleep. The room was

empty, one light on, a green bed frame blue sheets and pillow. A nurse offered me sleepy time tea it was good.
   I layed down and slowly fell asleep, goodnight.

448 words.

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