A Dream? (Rin Okumura X reader) Oneshot

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This is my very first fanfic!!! I hope it'll turn out right. I wasn't sure what to start with but I had help from @_sorry_not_sorry and I decided to do whatever was on my mind!!! If you're reading this Thank you for helping me!!! Here goes!

(Your POV)

"Omfg!!! Its so hot!!!"

Why did it have to be hot today? Of all days!! I'm already pissed at my parents for going on their stupid business trip, and they had to leave me here. In the middle of Summer. By myself. In the heat. How much worse could this get?!

"Well, this heat won't cure itself "

I'll just go fix it

I got off my bed to turn the AC on high, only to find out it's broken.....

Well shit

"Damnit!" What am I supposed to do now?!

Just then I remembered that we have a giant fan in the basement.

Great, just great

As I start to walk downstairs to get the fan, I heard a noise

A creak

"I was probably just imagining it" I told myself

I continued to walk down, pointing my flashlight in every direction just to be sure

Soon, I spot the fan in a corner

"Well, that was easy enough"

I walked over to get the fan, and as I picked it up, a rat ran across my hands

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" I screamed

I them proceeded to grab the fan and run up the basement stairs as fast as I could. When I got upstairs I slammed the door and slid down to sit on the floor

"I thought I was a gonner" I said while breathing heavily

I stood up and hurriedly ran to my room with the fan and plugged it in

Finally!! Air conditioning...... It felt so gooood




Suddenly the doorbell rang. Snapping me out of my daydream of how this fan felt like heaven

I went down stairs to the front door and opened it.....

It was Rin Okumura, my boyfriend

But something was different

He's wearing a police outfit and let me tell you, he looked so damn fine!!!

But why Dafuq is he wearing it?!

"Rin, why the hell are you wearin-"

"Ma'am, I've got a complaint from your neighbors about loud screaming coming from your house" Rin said

"But I'm home alone, there must be a mistake, there was no screaming" I lied. Rin smirked

What is Rin trying to pull?

*Rin starts unbuckling his belt*

"Rin what're you-"

"There will be" He said while blushing

\\Time skip: brought to you by Jungkook and his cop outfit\\

(Sorry for spoiling it if you haven't seen his teaser pics yet)

Later that night

You wake up due to sleeping in a painful position

"Where am I?" I groaned while trying to sit up

"And why does everything hurt?"

Then suddenly I remeber what happened earlier

"Maybe it was just a dream?" I say to myself

I don't see Rin so I guess it was

Just then Rin walked in to the room

"Oh, you're up" Rin said

"I thought I broke you"

"You sure scream loud. Now we really will have complaints from neighbors" Rin smirked

"Maybe it wasn't a dream after all" I say, still shocked

Okay!!! For my first fanfic how was it???? Please let me know in the comments!!!!!!

Does anyone have a request for another story I should do? Also let me know in the comments!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

A Dream? (Rin Okumura X Reader) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now