Chapter 1

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Hello! I'm back, but unfortunately, not for long ☹. This is probably my first and last fic for a while. I am basically majoring in 4 different departments right now, so I don't even have time to breathe (don't ask how I did it; I wish I hadn't). My mom has been very sick lately, so I left uni for a while to take care of her. She has been getting better, so I'll return in a few days.

I had been itching to write this ever since I read a gay Reddit post. Yes, this fic is inspired by Reddit. Lol, I would credit the post, but I don't know where I read it, so if the storyline is a bit familiar, that's probably why.

Why 42, you may ask? Well, I chose 42 because 20 + 22 = 42. Basically, I am lazy, and I just added up their birth dates. Lol.

P.S: I thought a short fic would be better than none.

  Hyunjin's anticipation for the upcoming school year was more akin to cautious optimism than unbridled excitement. The previous year hadn't been outright terrible, but it certainly didn't fall into the category of pleasant experiences either. He had managed to forge a few friendships and had a decent rapport with his former roommate, Chan. However, with Chan having graduated, Hyunjin found himself navigating the new academic year without a familiar face sharing his living space.

Contrary to the widespread belief that he was a social butterfly, Hyunjin wasn't the most popular guy in the school. In an all-boys boarding school, where interests in art and fashion were more of an exception than the norm, he found himself somewhat on the outskirts of the social hierarchy. Sure, he was aware of his physical appeal—many had been quick to point that out to him. Yet, he knew that mere attractiveness didn't automatically translate to popularity within the confines of the school.

Therefore, as an introvert and somewhat of a social outcast, Hyunjin approached the idea of getting a new roommate with a certain level of trepidation. His previous living arrangement with Chan had been surprisingly agreeable, making the prospect of a new, potentially incompatible roommate all the more daunting. The thought of having someone disrupt the delicate balance of his personal space loomed over him, and he couldn't help but worry that a clash of personalities would cast a shadow over the rest of his academic year.

Navigating the social dynamics of the school was challenging enough, and Hyunjin was well aware that the chances of landing a roommate with whom he could coexist peacefully weren't particularly high. The institution had a reputation for being a bit of a "shit show," as he eloquently put it. Given the diversity of personalities and interests within the student body, the probability of encountering someone decent enough to share living quarters with was, in his view, not exactly promising.

Hyunjin had harbored a glimmer of hope that he would be fortunate enough for either Jisung or Jeongin, his best (and if not only ) friends, to be his roommate this year. However, those hopes and dreams were swiftly crushed when they texted him their room numbers—14 and 8. Not only were they assigned to different rooms, but they were also separated by different floors this time.

With keys in hand, Hyunjin made his way to his designated room and unlocked the door. The room, still void of personal belongings, awaited the imprint of its inhabitants. Two twin beds, neatly made with plain white linens, stood parallel against opposite walls. The sterile atmosphere was accentuated by the pale beige walls, devoid of any personal touches. A small desk sat beneath the solitary window, its chair pushed in with military precision. On the other side, an identical desk mirrored the arrangement, creating a symmetrical but impersonal layout.

Surveying the space, he quickly assessed the room's symmetrical layout, finally settling on the bed with the comfiest mattress—a non-negotiable for someone who valued a good night's sleep. It happened to be the one on the left.

As he began unpacking his suitcase, neatly arranging his books on the shelf, he felt a sense of solitude in the stillness of the room. However, the tranquility was abruptly interrupted when the doorknob turned, and the door swung open. In walked a brunette figure, standing at a similar height to Hyunjin, with a physique that exuded a balance of slimness and toned athleticism. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt—this was the star baseball player of their boarding school, the one and only Kim Seungmin.

Hyunjin's eyes met the soft brown gaze of Seungmin, and in response, Seungmin offered a weak smile.

"Hey," Seungmin greeted him softly, wheeling his suitcases and bags into the room. He placed his belongings on the bed and walked toward Hyunjin, extending his hand for a shake.

"Kim Seungmin," the brunette introduced himself, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Hwang Hyunjin," responded Hyunjin, reciprocating the handshake. The exchange was polite, but a lingering silence followed, reestablishing its presence with Seungmin's arrival. In that moment, Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be one hell of a year.

The room settled into a comfortable silence, and Hyunjin found solace in the absence of small talk. It made it easier to forget that one of the most popular guys in school was now his roommate. Immersed in his usual routine, Hyunjin opened his textbook to skim through the pages before the upcoming lecture when, unexpectedly, Seungmin's voice cut through the quiet.

"You like poetry?" Seungmin's voice interrupted his solitude. Peering over Hyunjin's shelf, Seungmin directed his gaze toward the long-haired boy. Hyunjin, a bit startled by the sudden interaction, nodded. He hadn't anticipated another word from Seungmin tonight.

"Thought so. Cool that you read Yun Dong-ju, though," Seungmin added. Intrigued, Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. Seungmin flashed him a charming smile.

"Don't look so surprised; us athletes can read too, you know," he teased. "But yeah, I read his 'Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poems' over the summer. I admit I'm still a novice when it comes to poetry, but I recently took an interest in it."

Hyunjin was genuinely surprised. He knew Seungmin wasn't as airheaded as some of the other athletes, but he hadn't expected them to share a common interest. Perhaps he had judged Seungmin too early.

"What was your favorite poem from the book, then?" Hyunjin inquired.

"Ah, 'Night in the Forest,'" Seungmin replied.

"You're a romantic, then," Hyunjin teased, a smile playing on his lips.

"Hush, no one has to know," Seungmin grinned. "But really, his words just resonate with the soul. I appreciate how he expresses that yearning for connection, that desire to reach the beloved through dreams and moonlight."

Hyunjin found himself pleasantly surprised by the depth of Seungmin's thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, this year wouldn't be as bad as he had initially thought.

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