Chapter 1

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Upon returning back home to their own world, both Emo Marinette and Emo Adrian had both decided to try and make a few more new friends.

Sure, they had Marinette/Ladybug and Cat Noir, along with Betterfly, but that was about it in terms of their friends/allies.

The two reformed villains were both very aware that the road ahead was not gonna be a sassy one to follow. But they also knew that with a new Allie on their side, the two young high school students knew that they were no longer going through everything on their own.

Emo Marinette attempted a friendship with Juleka Couffaine, the younger twin sister of Luka Couffaine. The pigtailed girl wasn't quite sure how things would turn out with the shy goth girl, but she had to give it a try. And much to the pigtailed girls shock and amazement, the two girls hit it off almost immediately. Emo Adrian on the hand, had decided to take his alternate selves advice and apologize to Nino and ask him if he wanted to go to the movies with him.

It was a lot slower and a bit more harder to gain a friendship than the two reformed villains had first thought. But they were nothing if not fiercely determined.

So yeah, long story short, both of them were successful in their objectives. They each now had a best friend and a boyfriend/girlfriend.

But they were a team now. And as such, they were the good guys and were no longer working for the supreme.

And yeah, explaining that to them was not gonna be easy, but hey, no one said Shadybug and Claw Noir had to tell them the whole truth.

So with a mostly half-baked plan in mind, the two reformed villains, along with Betterfly, headed back to base where the other members of the supreme were most likely waiting for them

The closer and closer they got, the more nervous Shadybug, now known as Ladybug, seemed to be. But to be fair, who wouldn't be nervous in a situation like the one the three heroes would soon be walking into?

Before either one of the younger heroes could reach for the door handle, Betterfly made a motion with one of his hands for them to wait.

"Hold on you two," the butterfly miraculous user spoke up out of the blue. "If we just rush in there without a plan: we are sure to be attacked on sight."

Ladybug nodded in understanding and turned to face her leather-clad partner.

agree with the butterfly: we need to make a plan." Claw only raised a confused eyebrow at the spotted hero.

"When you put it that way, you kinda sound like that other bug girl." He remarked with a teasing grin.

"You'd better not refer to me as Ladybug when we get in there Kitty Catty." Was her only answer to his statement. "They'll d definitely know something's up if you do."

Claw sighed and blew her a raspberry. "Fine fine! I'll play it your way Cockroach."

She gave him a cheeky grin in response, which reminded him of the way Marinette would smirk at Juleka during class when the teacher wasn't looking.

He knew the two girls liked each other, but they were both oblivious to each other's feelings.

Before he could think more on the matter, Betterfly spoke up once more, bringing the cat-themed superhero out of his thoughts.

"If anything bad does happen, we can just retreat and head back to where Alya and Nino are hiding out at."

"Sounds good to me!" Shadybug responded with a small nod of her head. "What do you think Kitty Katty?"

Claw could only nod his head slowly in response to whatever she had just said.

"Alright then!" Betterfly said, turning toward the large wooden door in front of them. "Let's go have some words with the leader of the supreme."

And with that, the three nodded to one another before Claw reached forward and pulled the large door open.

But just as soon as the three of them had entered the room, the large wooden doors slammed shut behind them.

The two younger heroes glanced to one another with equal looks of terror and confusion. They were now trapped inside the large room with no way out and only a half-baked plan to go off of.

"So, I see that you three have finally came to visit!" The elderly man put his hands behind his back and gave them a bone-chilling smirk that made Shadybug want to curl up in a tiny little ball and hide in her room for the rest of her life.

But she kept her face carefully blank. There was no way in hell that she was gonna let this son of a bitch see how terrified she really was when being near him.

After all, she didn't follow his orders anymore so she was no longer being chained down to be a mindless puppet to be used like some-sort of prized position.

She was abruptly knocked off of the thinking train when another voice spoke up from literally out of nowhere.

"Don't be shy now! Go on, take a seat and let's have a little chat." They said nothing and just did as they had been instructed to do. Once the three of them were all seated in one of the many chairs that rounding the small wooden table, Wang Fu began to speak once more. "So, you tow," he said this while glancing coldly toward Shadybug and Claw Noir. "Why don't you tell me how the hell you screwed up so badly? Do you two morons think I'm a fool?" His gaze seemed to harden even more and he slammed his hands on the tabletop, making the two teens jump in surprise. "I am no damn fool! Need I remind you that I was the one who gave you your powers? And I can just as easily take them back and find new holders who get the job done right the first time!"

Silence hung thickly in the air after that and nobody said so much as a word, not sure what would happen if any of them spoke even one word out of line.

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