Part 1

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I've been resentful
Resentful of humans
Everyone acts so nice
As if they were competing
Everything that comes out of their mouths seems so sweet and innocent
Yet it is full of thorns on the flipped side
Collecting countless praise
Just for their pride
Doing anything in their reach
Just for a show
Without the consequences
Smiles everywhere
Looks nice for presentation
But eyes
They do not lie

My name is Katrina Ivanov
A South Korean brought up in Russia
And i was given the name Lee Haemin

* Police siren *
" The suspect is on top of the building "
" Unit 3 standby "
" We've lost the suspect "

Living Room

" Today another robbery has happened again on the Incheon Traditional Museum , it has been reported that items worth over 1.2 billion has been taken . However it is not known if this robbery is connected to the recent one's that has been happening a few months ago. The suspect of the robbery flee the scene after a 20 minute police chase "
The news goes on as the door of the house entrance opens with a loud bang
A women in her early 20's enters the house , something had happened in a way that clearly shifted her mood into a bad one which did not go unnoticed by the male who had been sitting in the living room watching the news

" My money " his hands spreading out ready to received money from the person
" Tskkk... for what ? " The other replies
" We had a deal , they saw you " the male protested
The female already annoyed wasn't having it , they made a bet the night before... Betting if she could finish her job unnoticed
" They didn't see my face "
" But your whole ass existence was seen ? " He argued back

Lee Haechan , another spawn of satan if only he was as good as Haemin was he would not have to go back to his birth place , the place where he was abandoned at birth , South Korea . Only having Haemin by his side , which was enough for him.

Police Station

" Detective Jung , this cannot happen again "
" I'm sorry Sir " the detective bows his head at the Chief not out of respect but out of rules he has to abide by
" Fix it! " the Chief left , annoyed that they could not catch one single thief they have been on the hunt for months

" Hyung relax , he wasn't in a good mood " the younger male spoke
The older male was at ease
He wasn't effect at all , he has always been
Of course , he wanted to catch the thief more than anyone
But he knew how much it annoys the Chief and he loves to see the annoyance in his face
Imagine having to put on a show so you seemed like you care just for a good word and praise
Cause that's not sincerity that's not care
That's acting and he hates that
He feels like the innocence of this World has gone
People act as if they care with words but their actions says otherwise
That's what he hates , if you utter a word with a promise to change the world for the other you should stand by it
That's how Detective Jung Jaehyun was like no matter what, he stands by it

" Jungwoo , bring me all the files of the other robbery happening the past months " he spoke
" Okay , be right back "

Detective Kim Jungwoo a junior of Detective Jaehyun
He is also just like him
He wants the world to be at peace
He hates the wrongdoers
He hates when justice is treated as a mask to look good
He hates when he has to lie for the upper powers who treated them like shit when all the work that they claim was done by them
If only he was as vocal and straightforward about it like Jaehyun
He wouldn't have it so tough

*Note to all readers *
This is a fictional story
None of the storyline in this story happened in real life
The idols i used are what i thought would fit the characters i wanted to portray in this story , their words nor actions in this story does not represent who they are in real life
Please read this story with ur delulu's

Love ,

Eyes Don't Lie /Jaehyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now