CH : 1 - Far away from home

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It was a dark room where no light reached. Alone in the dark sat a figure in a chair in front of the only light source in the room, a computer, and cursed something in mumbles.

Going from small mumbles to loud angry shouts and curses. The figure sitting in the room was Fu Wang.

It was his room in his apartment. He didn't live with his family since they kicked him out of their house. He was in fact the son of a well known family of celebrities. He was the only stain and shame in their lives. It didn't take long before he got kicked out of the house once he became 18.

Honestly, what would he expect. They had never let him go to school, make friends, show up in public, buy anything or let him prove himself and that he could be popular too.

The best trait he had is that he was a genius in everything, though he knew how to hide it.

He found it dumb to try and be something important in the eyes of his family, no, in the eyes of people who he knew didn't care about him.

The only consolation he had as a child when he wasn't allowed to go to school or make friends, was reading novels.

He loved reading about the happiness that the main characters got after a lot of hardships. He liked to think that he would also get his own happy ending.

It never came.

The ending that he had hoped for.

All that was left for him now was debt, a little more debt, no job, no friends and soon no longer a place to live in. Did I mention debt?

That's right. After he got kicked out of the family, he lived with his uncle. The kind of uncle that would spend every moment with girls or drinking, who had a lot of debt piling up and would hit him when drunk.

In the midst of the night one time when he was drunk, he got hit by a car. He didn't make it. There simply wasn't enough money to do surgery and there was even less to have a funeral.

And so, after his death a lot of loan sharks came after Fu Wang for the money his uncle had to pay them.

He worked his ass off to pay back the debt. Sadly he soon got fired from his job because of a certain family of his. He no longer had the means to continue living in his own little apartment or pay the loan sharks back.

He once had a thought. If he borrowed an extreme amount of money, used it all up and then killed himself. Would the debt not fall onto his only relatives, meaning his family?

He thought about it for a short moment before he shook his head. He was too much of a coward to dare and do it.

He didn't dare to take his own life.

There is a saying among humans. One about facing your fears instead of running from them.

That is why he decided to end his life.

He didn't have any hope in fixing his life or making some happy memories.

What is the point in life if you can't enjoy it?

But at the moment he had to finish reading a certain frustrating novel.

A novel called 'The path of the demons'.

It sounded very cliché but it was good.

Seeing the protagonist protect his family and loved ones, seeing him have a happy family and taking revenge on those that hurt him.

It was the perfect ending he always hoped to achieve.

A happy ending.

The only thing he didn't like about the protagonist was his cruelty towards a minor villain and his older martial brother who had the same name as him.

Fu Wang.

It seemed as if it was mocking him that noone named Fu Wang would get the ending they desired.

The protagonist had gotten enraged after finding out that his older martial brother, his shixiong, had ignored his bullying and even inflicted a scar on his back.

He wanted revenge for the bullying he had to endure as a child and blamed his shixiong for everything even if it wasn't his fault.

Being locked up in an underground prison and tortured until death only to get revived and tortured again sounds too much as revenge for a scar.

That was the ending of the novel.

The protagonist living happily as a ruler of demons with his family in his castle.

While at the same time having his shixiong suffer the worst torture right beneath the floors of the home he lives in.

What a befitting ending for a villain, don't you think?

Fu Wang didn't like this ending. Not at all.

Out of anger and pity for the nonexisting soul sharing his name, threw a punch at the computer.

That punch shook the whole desk the computer was on and a glass of water fell over.

Then suddenly lighting from everywhere on the keyboard started to come out and shoot crazily as Fu Wang had a hard time realizing what was happening.

With no time to think about anything, he started to see black dots covering his vision.

In no time was his vision covered completely and dizziness came over him.

Fu Wang no longer had the strenght to fight back the dizzy feeling and collapsed on the floor.


"Fu-shixiong, wake up."

Said a soft female voice.

Fu Wang opened his eyes slowly and let his eyes wander around the place he was in.

This isn't his apartment.

If so, where is he exactly?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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