Eclipse Heart

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As the sun began its descent, its rays stretched across the vast expanse of a once-thriving village, now reduced to ruins. The remnants of what was once known as Konohagakure lay scattered, bearing witness to the devastating aftermath between the two brothers.

A gentle breeze caressed the broken fragments of the Hokage Rock as if trying to soothe the wounds of the fallen sentinel. Atop the shattered countenance of the Seventh Hokage, a blonde-haired boy stood, seemingly defying the relentless march of time.

The weight of his heart matched the heaviness of the evening sky. The colors of the sunset were a mesmerizing blend of pinks, oranges, and purples, a final farewell from the heavens.

Boruto had always been drawn to this hill, its sweeping views, and the sense of solitude it offered. But today, as he gazed out over the village of Konohagakure and the distant, silhouetted trees, he knew it was different. This sunset was special, poignant, and bittersweet.

After all, today's sunset was his last. A verdict from a fate he had no power to change. The horizon, which had always represented endless possibilities, now marked the boundary of his time on this Earth.

"It's not such a bad view after all..."

A gentle breeze rustled the debris around him as if whispering secrets to the boy, secrets only the wind and the earth could share. The air held a scent of nostalgia, carrying with it the memories of countless sunsets he had watched from this very spot with his loved ones.

In his mind's eye, he could see his dear family, his friends, his master, and a certain girl with onyx black hair. Her eyes, a deep, mesmerizing shade of black, held a warmth and strength that had drawn him in. He remembered the way her short hair fell in cascading waves, the way it danced in the breeze on sunny afternoons.

Just then, Boruto heard the voice he thought he could never hear again.

"Boruto! What are you doing here? Everyone's been looking for you." Sarada, with her untamed ebony locks and clad in a striking ensemble of black and crimson appeared like a dream come true.

"Sarada..." Boruto muttered.

Just as Boruto took another step, he stumbled, his strength waning, until his knees gave way beneath him. Boruto dropped to the ground, his hope fading like the dying embers of a fire.


But just as he was about to touch the cold, unforgiving earth, Sarada's reached out. With grace and strength, she caught him, her arms wrapping around his trembling form.

"Boruto? What's wrong? Are you hurt? I'll go get the medic right away--"

"There's no need for that, just... let me stay this way for a while..." Boruto whispered with a heartfelt smile.

"Boruto... Don't tell me you--" Sarada's eyes widened.

"In order to overwrite an omnipotence jutsu, a greater omnipotence power is required. But it comes at a higher price... I've... never thought of my life as being worth that much...."


Knowing what he meant, Sarada clutched his robe. Her touch was a gesture of love that transcended words. Her eyes never left his, a silent promise that she would be there with him until the very end.

As the last sliver of the sun disappeared below the horizon, Boruto's heart ached with a mixture of emotions. There was sadness, of course, but also a profound appreciation for the beauty of this fleeting world. He knew he would never witness a sunset quite like this again with the girl he love.

"Sarada... Thank you..."

'Thank you for remembering me and sending Sasuke-san my way...'

Boruto remembered the time Sasuke came and rescued him from being attacked by his allies, and how he became a rouge ninja to become his master. All because of the request Sarada made.

'Thank you for always being at my side...'

How could he forget how Sarada never once stop defending him when all the world was against him?

'Thank you for always watching over me.'

She was the reason he tried to look cool in everything he does. After all, her eyes were always watching him from the very beginning of their childhood together.

"... for everything."

Tears welled in Sarada's eyes as her lips began to tremble.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise to you..." Boruto continued.

Sarada knew exactly what he meant. After all, this was the very place he made that promise.

"You're the one that's gonna become a Hokage, right? Then, I'll be your right-hand man and work hard to protect you."

Remembering that moment, Sarada stood with a quiet resolve, her gaze fixed on the horizon, and her lips pressed into a firm line. Her eyes, the windows to her soul, betrayed the turmoil within, but she held her tears in check with remarkable strength.

"...I'm sure you'll be a great Hokage one day, believe it." Boruto smiled in Sarada's embrace.

As the sun's last rays kissed the earth, bathing the world in a soft, ethereal glow, Boruto's breathing grew shallower. The colors of the sky deepened, as if in reverence to the sacredness of this moment. The world seemed to hold its breath as if nature itself paused to bear witness to a love that had weathered the storms of time.

"For some reason... My eyes are heavy... Maybe that's because I haven't slept in a while..."

And then, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Boruto took his last breath. It was a breath filled with the essence of a life well-lived. It was a breath that carried with it the weight of a lifetime of love, laughter, pain, and tears.

In that fleeting moment, as the sun disappeared from view, Sarada's shoulders trembled ever so slightly as she fought to hold back the torrent of tears threatening to spill. Her hands clenched into fists, trembled with the intensity of her emotions.

As she looked upon the lifeless form of her former teammate, Sarada's breath caught in her throat, and for a fleeting moment, she thought she might crumble under the weight of her despair. But then, with a trembling exhale, she summoned every ounce of strength left within her. She

leaned in and pressed her lips to his forehead, a gentle kiss that sealed their love for eternity. The breeze, now still, seemed to echo their silent goodbye.

"Oyasuminasai... Boruto."



Hey guys, thanks for reading my Borusara One-shot. I hope you like this angsty one-shot. This is my first time writing a one-shot. Felt like I needed to write something short and angsty. Hope you enjoyed it.



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