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Our cell and phone append services matches a data with your file and according to that it appends phone to your list

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Our cell and phone append services matches a data with your file and according to that it appends phone to your list. We required only firstname , lastname , middlename , address , city and zip. 

Datazapp only costs you for the phone numbers it provides you with, matching landline and cell numbers to your property data. It can take days to receive your results from some real estate skip-trace services, which can cost between $.80 and $3.00 per record. Since Datazapp recognises that speed and cost-effectiveness are crucial for real estate investors, its phone append service is available for just $0.03 per phone number and can be completed in a matter of minutes.


Our standard Pay-as-you-Go pricing plan is perfect for those who run large batches of records to append (skiptrace) phone numbers or emails to those lists, or those who build bulk lists of property and homeowner records. But if you need smaller quantities of records and at a higher frequency one of our pre-payment plans below will save you time and money!

check out more pricing plans on datazapp.com

We also have homeowner and property seller score which define the score for properties so that you get the idea of ROI. 

We examine and track nearly 25 distinct family and property-related data factors that influence the choice to sell a home, using the most latest BigData & Data prediction algorithms, and we assign a seller score. The Seller Score on Datazapp shows how likely it is for homeowners to sell in the upcoming six to twelve months.
With the assurance that you have the best leads, use the Seller Scores to build your prospects and marketing campaigns and target those likely home sellers well in advance.

Check out more details on datazapp.com

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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CELL & PHONE APPEND REI SERVICEWhere stories live. Discover now