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5,000 years ago.

Galuk honey. Dont forget your spear' oh yeah i can forget the most important thing to hunt with he said as his wife brought him his spear. Let's hope this hunt is successful galuk said. He felt a tug on his pants and he looked down to see his child can I get a hug goodbye?? Of course son he said as he knelt down to hug his child goodbye honey he kissed his wife on the cheeks and he exited out of the tent to meet up with his hunting clan hey galuk are you ready to go his friend Owan asked, yes I am how about you. As read as I can be less hope the hunt can yield something fruitful today. I dont get why the huntings been so bad lately maybe something spooked them galuk  said to owan. He nodded well the scouting party found a group of borrowers just a few miles from here. That's more action than we saw in past weeks galuk said. Well let's get a move on before they decide to split. Owan nodded yeah lets as they made their way out into the vast plains of the hollow earth. Be on the lookout galuk said to his comrades I am in charge of this expedition so dont wander too far. His clan nodded. Let's hope today yields something owan. Taki said. I hope so too or our tribe will be wiped out owan said. Suddenly the ground began to shook earthquake! galuk yelled everyone struggled to stay on their feet. It even knocked galuk to his knee are you ok galuk taki screamed..yes I am ok and suddenly it stopped. It stopped I think we are good now. Let's move on galuk said. They moved on totally unaware that they were being watched afar from their rival tribesman.. they are coming this way get into position their leader oreako motioned for them to get down. Theres like this weird stillness in the air galuk. I have a bad feeling about this taki said galuk nodded in agreement he scanned the landscape. Its nothing galuk said keep going. They all nodded. Still my gut feeling says something bad is gonna happen taki said. Stop being such a worry wart. Taki gulped and gripped his spear ok... they trudged on forward until they heard a noise in the nearby bush what was that? galuk already spooked  quickly spears ready they confidently stood their ground as a borrower came out it's a animal finally after weeks of searching. The borrower look at the primitive humans in confusion wondering why there were holding "sticks" it gave a screech and ran away away as soon as it realized it was being hunted after it! Galuk yelled they started to give chase to it. He pointed to the right you guys go right we will go left and flank it he motioned. It was fast but they managed to keep up with it. We almost got it pinned against a cliff. Now spears out galuk said as they cornered the burrower. The burrower hissed at them as they surrounded it. As soon as they were about to kill it they heard a war cry galuk turned around to face his rival tribe with spears pointed straight at them. This is our kill oreako shouted we were here first galuk said get the hell out of the way before...........god dammit it escaped! Galuk turned around to see the burrower gone and soon after he was shoved to the ground by oreako damn you not only you robbed us of our food but you robbed us out of the livelihood too. Galuk spit at oreako he then punched him and the tribesman then faught each other shields locked against one another. Owan attempted to pull oreako off galuk but he was spin around and speared by taki. Owan! He yelled as he managed to get oreako off him. The then fumbled his way to a bloodied owan son of a bitch got me dont worry itachi get him to safety he yelled as oreako pinned him up against the cliff he raised his spear to kill galuk but suddenly the ground moved beneath them. Earthquake! Oreako yelled back to his tribesman galuk looked up to see pebbles and rocks falling. he rolled out of the way as a big boulder crashed where he once stood. And he was shocked to see the ground quickly rised up and the he heard a high pitch screech. Oh my god the legends are true its megalon. He yelled as as megalon shook the dust off him and looked around at the terrified humans. Retreat oreako said but they couldn't run away as it spit out a massive fireball that engulfed oreako and his men killing them instantly with a explosion. He then looked down to see oreako crawling away he then lifted its feet up and smashed oreako putting an end to his misery. Galuk grateful that his nemesis was gone but also terrified as the big eyed creature turned and set its sight to an nearly decimated hunting party itachi yelled at galuk Owens not waking up he died from shock! Dammit galuk said as he banged his fist on the hard ground tears in his eyes as he looked up at the creature it screeched as it roared his head back. Galuk already knew what was coming and closed his eyes as he was met by the same fate his nemesis suffered as they too  were engulfed in flames instantly killing  them  megalon looked around at the destruction and let out an evil screech as he retreated back into the ground leaving behind a gigantic hole. And what was once a battlefield was the sound of deafening silence and raging fires and burnt bodys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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