People suck ass

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Fuck yeah!! School is almost over!! Thank god,, it was hard resisting the urge to vomit all over that stupid building. How can people actually step onto the premise without having a headache? I know people who actually appreciate going to school. 

Boring!! They're boring! Everyone is boring! People annoy me so much. I'm thankful that few people actually like me. Talk to me and what not. But they get annoying to. Most just generally suck. It's like I'm getting to that phase of hating everyone. Of course there is exceptions,, but that would be boring counting who actually counts. Ugh.

Life fucking suckssss god damnmit. Maybe finding a relationship will make me happier,, relationships are suppose to make people better. But those TikTok reddit videos make me more miserable than the people in the video. It's crazy how people can tolerate stuff. They're lucky that they have some sort of patience and tolerance.

But not me. I can't tolerate anything or else I'll explode and die. Nobody cares though so should I care? It doesn't matter at the end of the day,, I should just stop caring. That's what makes me so weird! Nothing matters and yet I try to make it matter. Nobody else cares so I want to make them care!

People are disgusting and weird. I'm saying that as if I'm not the disgusting one. I don't care! I love being ironic. I love being weird,, ironic,, whatever. They can be whatever. Once they are whatever I'll be old by then. Decaying into mush. Idiots are whatever. I'm just what nothing. Hahahahahahahahaha.

I think I'm funny. I like to think I'm funny,, the best comedian ever. Yet nobody ever laughs at what I have to say. Somebody could say the same thing and now it matters. I'm a weirdo that's why they refuse to admit I'm great. I'm seriously a great person. Everyone else sucks. They seriously do.

It's nice being in a safe space. A fantasy. I gotta step into the real world every now and again though. But it's nice to think I'm greater than everyone. Everyone else being bad and I'm what makes things right. I want to be smart,, better than every single smartie out there.

People can finally praise me. Praise me for my good deeds. I wouldn't mind,, being popular that is. That was always my dream,, but I bet once I see my fans I'll vomit. Because I hate people. Strangers makes me sick in the head. I can't believe I tolerate them. They all stare at me,, judging.

They actually don't do that. I hope. Nobody is going to see this. It's impossible for this story to actually get somewhere,, so I could just type out what is on my mind. Nobody is going to understand. How can one understand something that they will never see? Plus it's my mind as well,, one of a kind. I'd like to think it's one of a kind. That I'm different from everyone. New Zealand is such a small place,, I doubt I'll find anyone like me.

I've been thinking of getting online friends. But strangers are still scary! But they are online. They can't do anything. I would love someone to be like me. Hating humanity,, kissing me and whatnot. I'm really funny with how I think. I really am. 

6:58PM. Huh,, isn't that something. I don't really know what else to type out or whatever. Not like it's for anyone,, I just like typing.

I'm only doing this because my friend has their own fantasy book. I can have mine. Whatever I'm thinking of,, I'll put it here. This is barely an intro. Introductions are okay. I like books. Books are like relationships. You have an introduction to it and continue your time with them. Developing feelings to see if you like it or not. I don't like books,, maybe that's why I don't like people.

Books and people are complicated to me sometimes. Maybe that's why I don't get on with them. I can't hold conversations. All of my interests are just copy and paste. I like maths,, who else actually likes maths though? My friends don't,, they really don't. 

I wish I knew how to talk about maths as well. If someone was willing to listen to me about it. I'm really really dumb. But still,, whatever. Anyways about people. They suck. I blame them because of my problems! Oh I'm sad and depressed? Your fault! That is literally me. I care to much about other people and it truly bothers me. How come they get to have a job and a lovely life? I deserve some of that too.  

Maybe because I hate people. I don't have a job. I don't have a job or I'll generally tweak out. 

I want to become an astrophysics when I'm older. I think I'll have a smart job as well if I just work on my studies. I know what my friends are gonna be,, junkies. All of them. Homeless and doing drugs. I'm going to have a good life because I'll quit. I'll be a smarty pants and people will finally love me.

I'll help on many important projects for mankind and be great. Because I'm great. I'll be great or else I won't be. There is no such thing as in-betweens for me. It's either I'm great or not. I kinda don't want to be a loser hahaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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