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As the sun rose into the next morning, Helin grumbled and groaned in bed delaying the inevitable. She had just finished college and had to look for a job to cover her own expenses as she's an 'adult', well, that's what her parents always say.

She dreaded adulting, I mean, being a child with no responsibilities is so much easier. She missed the days where she was her Papa's Little Girl.

If only life was easy. A girl can dream, right?

Not like she has a choice now. Her tiny, dingy apartment, currently funded by her parents for just three months, wouldn't last long if she continues to lie around in bed, doing nothing. Might as well start her morning.

Helin didn't particularly follow a healthy routine, atleast, not without the reminder of her parents.

Watching movies all night, she couldn't decipher when she had fallen asleep, pretty sure it was around 3 am.

The Disney movies were totally worth it.

Helin rolled out of bed, finally, and stumbled her way into the bathroom to brush her teeth. After washing her face with soap, ( skincare was totally her not thing, didn't help that her skin was pretty soft ) she made her way into the closet to plan her outfit of the day.

She was so indecisive, that simple tasks like choosing her clothes and deciding what to eat for breakfast was difficult and tended to make her frustrated, effectively ruining her mornings.

If only she could go outside in her pyjamas, I mean, they were pretty comfortable.

Stupid rules, she thought. It also didn't help that her mom always chose her outfits and her dad made a hearty breakfast that satiated her hunger.

Her parents tended to remind her to go to bed, tucking her in with a warm glass of milk, a kiss on her forehead and a sweet lullaby.

They woke her in the mornings, helped her with her homework, warded off all bullies and made sure she took her meals on time. She was a pampered princess.

Her Russian Mama was stricter and sterner than her dad, never to indulge in her childish tendencies, but she was putty in the hands of her dad, surprisingly.

'Grow up!' Her mother scolded, but her father soothed every time, 'You'll always be my baby', he cooed.

Oh, How she missed her parents!

Back to matter at hand, Helin stopped wondering what to wear, instead playing a game of catch the tiger if  you can, and landed on a pair of jean overalls.

Pairing it with a soft, cream sweatshirt underneath, she put on a pair of fluffy socks along with some sneakers.

Making her way into the kitchen, she grabbed a cereal bar from the pantry for breakfast. She couldn't cook to save her life, so cereal bar, it is. Her Mama would kill her if she found out.

Well, the only other option was to grab breakfast from a store, more like a cafe, however, her social anxiety would hit the roof at the mention of interacting with strangers, so the idea best be forgotten.

Exactly why Helin didn't have friends.

Despite her sweet nature, many found her weird. Calling her names and abusing her around in the hallways were common occurrences.

She was always given a stink eye for her clothing style and signature hairstyle. Two pigtails. She couldn't understand why some clothes weren't allowed to be worn or why certain hairstyles were not the norm.

Helin couldn't ever grasped the concept of being normal.

Wasn't being herself enough?

All in all, she typically never got along well with those her age.

As far as Helin knew, she was pretty friendly. She was so kind and innocent that she was oblivious to when she was being used. It didn't help that she was desperate to make friends. Cue the eye roll.

However, Helin got along pretty well with children. Especially, babies and toddlers, or more specifically, her neighbour's toddler. She found them very cute and easy to interact. It totally helped that children never judge. They seemed to love her childish nature and hyperactive energy.

Moreover, her parents tried their best to make up for her lack of friends. From taking her places to eating pizza and popcorn while watching movies, spending a girl's night with her, her Mama and Papa made her feel less lonelier.

Like everybody, Helin had her days too. Where her thoughts would run haywire leading to insecurities and depressed, cold nights resulting in silly tantrums or loss of appetite and spending hours crying.

She would get back on her feet , back to her bubbly self, fairly quick though.

But then again, her parents played a huge role in that. They dealt her with patience, huge amount of patience, coaxing her out when she was cooped up into her room and encouraging her to eat, all the while spewing sweet nonsense. 

Reminiscing her days, made Helin want to run back home, into her Papa's arms.

Well, her Papa did say, 'This will always be your home darling, you can come back whenever you desire. I'll be waiting here, to welcome you with open arms.'

Sighing, Helin put on a cutesy backpack and stepped out of the house, double checking if she locked the door and stuffing her keys into her backpack to avoid losing the keys and being locked out of her own house, which certainly had happened before.

Helin called the elevator whilst giving herself a mental pep talk, she blew a huge breath and exited the elevator quickly ( for she feared being squashed between the closing doors ) and left the building, her safe haven.

Off you go, to the big, bad, scary world, Lily.

You can do it!

If only she knew.

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