Under Vermillion Skies, There's Golden Butterflies

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The skies begun to fill with hues of gold purple and vermillion, with it the sun just shyly peaked over the horizon and illuminates the grassy plains below, atop a peak - far away for anyone to see sat a robed Forsaken, feet dangling off the edge and kicking idly in a childlike manner.

Through her eyes she casts her gaze down to her hands, whatever flesh remained was charred or had sloughed off from the exposure to the elements through the years. She can only imagine the state the rest of her is in.

While few offered to aid her in mending, she often refused - stating her willingness to help was enough and she would tend to herself, it was like that for a while.

Then came the negligence.

The forgetfulness.

Then lapses in memory entirely.

For the past few years she often found herself clinging to whatever memories she had, the friends she made along the way. She gradually lost touch with them as life moved on.

With her behind.

For some time she could remember their faces and names.

Then names were at the tip of her tongue.

Then faces were becoming a blur

Who are they again?

Maybe they have forgotten about her too.

Where she sat currently reminds her of someone, or something.

At least she thinks this place reminds her.

A gentle breeze graced itself with the sunrise soon enough, and soon she felt a presence, something with her.

Familiar, but welcome.

Perhaps it's what she's looking for.

There is a phantom feeling on her shoulder, a large hand perhaps.

It's time to go.

She feels or hears this comforting presence tell her.

She forcefully exhales and finds herself in agreement.

It's been long overdue.

With a last gentle exhale she lets go of whatever was keeping her to the waking world, feeling her being touched by the Light, though not harsh and searing as it has been in the past.

Finally comforting, welcoming her home.

Atop the peaks there is a golden shimmer that envelops a figure in robes and finally releases in a soft golden glow that disperses.

Hundreds of golden butterflies flutter their way to the skies.

The sun had finally risen to greet the new day.

Under Vermillion Skies, There's Golden ButterfliesWhere stories live. Discover now