Chapter 1

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Gotham Academy is hosting a fund raiser for the yearly school trip, though many of the parents have more than enough means to fund the trip out of pocket the point of the fundraiser is for the students to show their skills and work ethic to prepare them for the future regardless of what profession they chose to go into.

Since Artemis definitely would not be able, or willing as the case may be to go to mommy and daddy to ask for the money she had no problem show casing her skills as they were since one of the events was a series of athletic competitions. Though it wasn't exactly like what people would normally see when going to some sports day event at a school since most of the kids had been in top notch programs since they could walk and many were award winning athletes and child prodigies or whatever. At least she could show some of them up without having anyone call foul.

There were other typical things too like bake sales, art and photography auctions, even a talent show.

Every event required ticket sales so friends and family were encouraged to bring as many people as they could to pack the house.

The bake sale would last the majority of the day and a main concession would open during meal times available in the school's cafeteria.

Meanwhile the sporting events would be held outside at the track field.

Feeling she had nothing to hide Artemis had entered into various events such as long distance running, long jump, high jump, and pole vault. None of the events used any form of weapon so she could just pass her skills of as natural athleticism. Easy.

The best part was probably the fact that each winner got a cash prize as well as a bonus contribution to their class's trip fund. Artemis was not holding back and gave it her all through every event. She didn't really care about the cash prize, she could keep some but honestly she'd rather just throw it in with the trip fund so when the events were over she collected her prizes and took the unmarked checks to the event organizer's table to turn them into the collection for her class.

She drew up short when she saw none other than Bruce Wayne sitting by the cash box collecting checks to take to sign off on.

"Ah I see our track star has arrived." Bruce gave her his typical smile for the press smile, or at least it seemed that way until she noticed the actual mirth shining through. Guess he wasn't just there for show; he seemed to actually enjoy things so far.

"Um hi- hello Mr. Wayne. My name is Artemis Crock; I'm one of the scholarship students through the Wayne foundation." Artemis stammered a bit but stood up tall as she spoke to her benefactor whom had somehow gotten her a scholarship to one of the most prestigious schools on the East coast.

"I know who you are Miss Crock, I make it my business to know who all of the scholarship students are and who could forget the top preforming student of the morning. That was quite the clean sweep out there; your classmates are going to have quite the trip this year." Bruce's smile was less flashy this time but still proved why he was considered a charmer; the fact that he seemed sincere in his praise caught her off guard though.

"Thank you Mr. Wayne, I uh actually wanted to pass these checks along to the class fund as well, I don't have any way of contributing otherwise so I figured this would do."

Bruce considered her a moment before reaching for the offered checks she held out to him. "You know the prize money is actually for the student who won each competition right? You could just keep it for yourself. You did earn it fair and square."

Artemis felt like a bug under a microscope though she had no idea why. "I really don't need it, we get by fine. And I think my mom would approve of my choice."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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