Chapter One- From terrible to great and great to terrible.

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Lizzie's POV-

I have been working constantly for 6 days now, no days off, not even time to have a relaxing bath after work and now I'm being dragged down to my Ex mother in laws birthday party because my lovely ex boyfriend needs to wait for the perfect moment to tell his beloved mother that we've split, and have been for nearly a month. I know, stupid, stupid Lizzie, just tell her and then you wont have to live this torture, it's not that easy, after 11 years of being with someone, there are some rules.

I turn up at Ian's house, my lovely ex, dressed to perfection, a girl has to flaunt to a man what he's missing. I decided on a short black dress, long enough to look sophisticated but short enough to turn a few heads.
"Wow..." Ian gasps as he opens the door to me,
"Are we going?" I ask, short tempered,
"Yes, i'll just grab my jacket.. You do know you look great right?" Ian smirks,
"Yes I do Ian, you do know you slept with my best friend, right?" I reply, turning and walking away so he couldn't see the sass look of the great comeback.
"Please don't Baby, ill tell my mum soon enough, its her birthday"
"Ian don't baby me, I only agreed to this because I love your mum, lets just get this over with" I sigh, opening the door to his 15 plate VW Golf and slamming the door as I get in.

We turn up at the beautiful venue for Ian's mums birthday party,
"Remember this Lizzie?" Ian smiles at me as we make our way in,
"Yes, of course I do, it's where we first met" I Reply,
"I didn't mean to hurt you"
"Ian just don't" I snap.

"Lizzie, Ian" Sarah, Ian's mum greets us, hugging us both,
"Hey mum, happy birthday" Ian smiles, handing Sarah a wrapped gift and a card,
"Thank you my lovely's" She replies, "You okay Lizzie?" She asks,
"Fine Sar, good day?" I smile,
"It's been fantastic love, treated like a queen by Ian's dad" She smiles, "This will be you two soon ai?" She smirks at us,
"Maybe" I laugh it off.
Wow I need a drink, "I'll be back in a second" I tell Ian,
I walk over to the bar, after this week I cannot be dealing with this,
"One large Shiraz please" I smile at the bartender,
"Coming right up" He replies,
"Let me get this for you" A deep, smooth voice says from beside me, I look up from the phone that I was stuck in to, Gary Fucking Barlow....
"T t thank you" I smile, stunned at the man standing in front of me,
"My pleasure, i'l have the same please mate" He nods at the bar man, "So I have one question, okay two,"
I nod,
"What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing at a party like this alone? and what's your name?"
"It's my ex mother in laws birthday, she thinks we're together, it's a long story. And I'm Lizzie" I laugh,
"Sounds like a long story, pleasure to meet you Lizzie" Gary winks, "Well im just here to sing for the birthday girl, fancy a few drinks later? When we've got rid of the crowd?" He smiles. My heart drops, Gary Barlow is standing in front of me asking me out, play it cool Elizabeth,
"Yeah, sure" I smile, smooth, not messed it up yet.
"Cool, i'll see you in a bit" He winks.

After maybe one too many large glasses of red wine whilst waiting for Gary, I think that maybe it's a good idea to get some fresh air. I step outside and Ian is standing there with his hands all over some girl,
"Nice pull Ian, who is it this time? My sister?" I laugh to myself in disgust, "We've been separated for a month and you've already been with god knows how many women" I shake my head, struggling to see straight as it is,
"Lizzie, you're drunk, go home" Ian laughs with the girl that he's with,
"Fuck off Ian, you're a pig.." I turn away and step on to the road just as Gary comes out of the entrance, I look up and my life seems to be in slow motion, Gary and Ian are both shouting at me but I cant seem to move, I look up and there is care headlights coming towards me, next thing I know, its complete darkness, but I can still hear Gary and Ian shouting my name..

He's the one.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin