Chapter 1.4

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(Y/n) waited outside Shinobu's room in the mansion. He was sitting on the floor and was looking outside at the huge garden with a large koi pond.

"(Y/n)?" He hears the voice of Shinobu's father, Gojo-sama calls out to him in a query.

"Ah, Gojo-sama." (Y/n) immediately stood up and bowed in respect at the head of the Gojo family. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you as well." Gojo-sama nods his head. "What are you doing here, sitting on the floor? Has Shinobu thrown a temper tantrum and you're taking consequences from it?" Gojo-sama sighs in exhaustion.

"That girl is so narcissistic for Tengen's sake..." Gojo-sama eased the wrinkles in his forehead to rid of the exasperation that had been building up ever since Shinobu was born.

"Ah, no. Not at all." (Y/n) laughed nervously as he scratched his nape. "She told me to wait here until she finishes getting ready for the meeting, Gojo-sama." He explained.

"Oh, she's attending the meeting?" Gojo-sama blinks in surprise. "She never wanted to attend the meetings."

"Eh? Why's that, Gojo-sama?" (Y/n) questions, curious.

"It's how my daughter acts." Gojo-sama sighed, "whatever she wants to do, she will do it. Sometimes, I always believed that the reason that the Gojo family have white hair is because that the first user of the Six Eyes and Limitless must've stressed their parents out hence why we all have white hair." Gojo-sama rubbed his face in weariness.

(Y/n) sweatdropped, feeling bad for Gojo-sama. 'Wow, Shinobu-sama must have been one heck of an heiress to be taking care of...' he thinks to himself.

The door opened and out came, Shinobu with her hair styled in a bun with a Kanzashi (ornamental hairpin) that has hanging blue and white diamonds and crystals as she wore a traditional white kimono with light blue accents and designs.

"What're you guys talking about?" Shinobu asked.

"Nothing at all, Shinobu-sama." (Y/n) bowed his head. 'That hairpin looks expensive... Are those crystals real?? Like are those diamonds, actual diamonds??'

"You've certainly dressed up for a meeting." Gojo-sama hummed.

"Of course," Shinobu scoffs. "Just so I can annoy that son of a bitch, Naoya." She smirks.

"Ah, of course." Gojo-sama shook his head at his daughter. "I do would prefer that when you two see each other that you keep yourself in check. I don't want the same thing to happen here just like what happened in the Zen'in mansion." He told her.

"Tell that to Naoya then." Shinobu rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

"Um, what happened last time?" (Y/n) cautiously asked.

"Oh, I just happened to destroy the Zen'in mansion in a fight with Naoya, that's all." Shinobu said as she waved her hands dismissingly.

"You mean, you happened to destroy half of the Zen'in mansion in a fight with Naoya." Her father corrected her.

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) blinks, incredulously.

"It's his fault that his face is always provoking me to use Blue on it and stomp on his nose as an added bonus." Shinobu said. "Like why were you born with that kind of face that makes a person to punch it? You have to blame his parents for doing a horrible job on making him." She groaned.

"I think it's already a bad idea that you're gonna attend the meeting." Gojo-sama grumbled. "How about you don't attend this one like you always do?" He suggested.

"No." Shinobu replied, stubbornly.

Gojo-sama sighed once again and tried to ease the stress in his wrinkled forehead. (Y/n) finally spoke up, deciding to stand between the father and daughter to snap the tension.

"How about we go greet the guests?" (Y/n) suggested, laughing a bit in nervousness. "They must be waiting for us already..."

"I suppose it's for the best." Gojo-sama sighed and beckons for the two of them to follow him to the entrance to greet the guests.

As Gojo-sama went on ahead, Shinobu looked at (Y/n). "Stay behind me and lower your head." She said.

(Y/n) nodded with hesitation and lowered his head as he trailed after Shinobu. "Make sure you keep your mouth shut especially with the Zen'in family." She said.

'I wonder why does Shinobu-sama's family have tension with the Zen'in family?' (Y/n) wondered in his head until he hears a rather condescending voice spoke.

"If it isn't Shinobu." A male spoke.

"Do us all of a favor, Naoya and keep your mouth shut." Shinobu replied, gagging in disgust. "Or would you rather have me shut your mouth for you? How about I use Blue so that it can't open again in forever?" She asked in a faked sweetened voice.

"You only get to be the heiress of the Gojo family because you inherited both techniques." Naoya sneered. "If you didn't, your father would've been disappointed at you if you were born as a useless girl with only a pretty face."

"Oh? Is someone scared that he might not be the next head of their own family?" Shinobu provoked him more. "Just shows how much of a sorry waste for a sperm you are. I bet there's someone gonna be born in your family that's gonna inherit your family's technique and is going to be the next head instead of you." She grinned at Naoya in a sadistical way.

Naoya's vein was throbbing wildly at his forehead but he then took notice of (Y/n) who was keeping his head low. "Oh, who's this?" Naoya pointed at (Y/n). "Your boy toy?" He scoffs.

"Oh?" Shinobu may look unbothered but she was actually one second close to using Blue point blank on Naoya's face. "Is that what you call your own male servants? No wonder why you're misogynistic, I didn't know you were gay, Naoya." She giggled, coyly.

And this made Naoya snapped, he dashed quickly thanks to his cursed technique. However, his hand didn't took hold of Shinobu's neck and squeezed it to his heart's desire, his wrist was grabbed by (Y/n) who glared at him and he was shock.

"You're taking too much of Shinobu-sama's personal space." (Y/n) said as he lets go of Naoya's hand. "I suggest you step back, sir."

Naoya looked at (Y/n) with eyes filled with bewilderment and disbelief as he takes a step back. 'T-Toji-kun...?' he thinks.

As he looks at (Y/n), a silhouette of a man with a bored look on his face and a scar on his lips appear to stand besides (Y/n) with his back facing Naoya. The man known as Toji looks around with sheer boredom and annoyance in his eyes.

"If you got nothing else to do, go bother your shitty father." Toji's word had echoed. "I'm just a monkey living here and you ain't worth my time so go find someone else to make fun of."

Gojo-sama sighed. "I believe that we wasted enough time here." He said. "Let's head inside and start the meeting shall we."

"Yes, we should." The head of the Zen'in family nods his head in agreement and so did the head of the Kamo family.

Shinobu and (Y/n) stayed behind as (Y/n) bowed his head in shame. "I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't be." Shinobu assured. "You actually prevented a very much situation happening. If he did manage grab my throat, I would've destroyed this building along with him." She said.

"Huh?" (Y/n) looks up, blinking incredulously.

"I'm saying you're doing a pretty good job being a bodyguard so chin up, big guy." Shinobu waved her hand around. "You're dismissed from your duties so go do whatever you want. I should've declined going to this meeting, afterall..." She grumbled as she followed after her father and the other families.

(A/n: I really did this in a rush so I can finish all my other schoolwork lol)

𝙊𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙀𝙮𝙚𝙨 ▹ female gojo satoruDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora