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Lissy, a sweet and fair girl lives in a town called Rivendell. She there is always surrounded with the glimmering beauty of the valley's environment and nice atmosphere of the people residing there. She is a teenager who rather enjoys spending time alone than getting mixed up with people. But, during a sunny day's noon, she finds a man trying to steal apples from her neighborhood garden. Due to her sweet and honest nature, she musters up enough courage to go and confront the man. Surprisingly though, before she could even call out to him, he had already begun moving away from the apple tree without the apples. Still, she goes to the man and asks him about what he did there. "Hello sir, just now were you trying to steal the apples?" Lissy asked a naïve question. "Hello. Oh! No no. I was just inspecting the apples." The man replied. Now that she was near him, she actually realized that the man was pretty tall. "Why is that?" She asked him another question. "Well it's a secret my child." The man pats her head. "I do not like secrets. Also I find your act suspicious so I must report it at the town hall." "What a troublesome child" The man says in a whisper to himself. "If you want to know the answer then follow me." The man starts walking in the direction of the river near the town. The girl hesitates but reluctantly begins following the man as instructed. They both stop at a small wooden dock near the river. "Close your eyes and make your mind blank." The man gives Lissy an order. "Isn't that going to make me vulnerable to your hazards? You're suspicious anyways." Lissy replies in a wary and alarming tone. "If you want your answer then do it. You are nonetheless vulnerable by following me till here." The man replies with a grin. "That's true I suppose." She accepts the man's request. She closes her eyes and proceeds to make her mind blank. "Turns out she is an enthralling child." The man says in a whisper again but this time it can be heard by the girl too. Before she could even process what the man had said, she teleports to a whole different place.

"Open your eyes young lady" She hears these words. At first she thought it was the man but the voice was different. She opens her eyes to find a pretty young boy standing in front of her. "Where am I?" She asks with a really confused tone. "Somewhere only we know teehee!" He answers with a light grin. Lissy became more confused. "What do you mean?" She asks brain-dead. "Just kidding, you have been teleported to a magical realm where monsters exist." He informs her in a straight tone. "Wait what? I am so bewildered-." She pauses. "First of all, who are you?" "Forgive me for not introducing myself. I am just an ordinary boy so my details are not so necessary. Just call me Annie!" He says in a joyous tone. "Um so Annie, can you explain what exactly has happened?" "Well you see, this realm or world is different from your world. Our realms didn't have any connection with each other until recently when some alien power invaded our kingdom palace and took the royal family captive. They are pretty strong and have a really strengthful army. So we, being the residents of this world, are trying to save ourselves by recruiting help. Your world is one of the many from where we are seeking help." Annie explains. "I see.... So why am I here?" Lissy still had many questions in her mind. "You don't seem to be here to help us. Rather we need to help you instead as of now." He pauses and asks, "Who sent you here?" "A strange man..." She proceeds to explain the incidents and events that took place that day before she came here. "Pretty interesting." He puts his hand on his chin. "I wanna go home to be honest. I do not like the vibe here." Jissy starts to get uncomfortable. "Well let's make a deal, you help me with some work and I will give you the adventure of your life." He opens his arms. "I don't trust you. I have a home to go back to anyways." She moves her face away. "Well you haven't introduced yourself though. What's your name?" "It's Lissy, Lissy Luna." Annie shows a surprised look. "Lovely name. The one to keep your name must be someone great." "No need to flatter me." "Who kept this lovely name?" "My late Mom" "Oh!" I usually have an awkward silence after this during a conversation, but this wasn't the case this time. "Let's go then!" Annie announces with a smile. "To where... And why?" Lissy says surprised and confused. "To the Royal Palace! I will get rid of your confusion during our adventure don't worry. Just put your trust on me, I am an honest man." Lissy reluctantly agrees once again and starts accompanying him on their adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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