Karma x FEM Reader Pt.1

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"Today class we have a new student! Her name is L/N F/N! Please treat her well and help her to assinate me!" Koro sensei States as he walks into the classroom. A girl with H/L H/C hair walks in with a big smile.
She bows with a anti sensei knife in her hand "Hello I am L/N F/N. But please call me F/N! I hope we can work hard together and assinate Koro sensei!" She smiled once again catching the attention of a certain red head.

"You may take your seat now L/N-san. It is right next to Karma over there" Koro sensei points to karmas seat and you sit down. Karma watches you walk and blushes abit.

'This girl is really cute! Maybe I should start a confersaition with her...?' Karma looks over to you.

"Hey. Welcome to class 3-E!" he smiles at you as you blush abit.

'He is really cute! I wonder if he would like to maybe hang out...?'

"Thanks Karma-kun! Hey maybe you could show me around the moutin at break?" you say with a smile

"Sure!" He smiles in return and you both begin to listen to koro senseis lesson...

(Karma x reader) One and two shotsWhere stories live. Discover now