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In the woods, a Hydra base was under attack by the Avengers, with their leader, Strucker in a panic. He speaks in hushed tones to Dr List. "We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough. We cannot lose."
The doctor only smirks. "Then let's show them what we've been working on. Send in the twins. And the Huntsman."
"It's too soon for the twins, and we don't know if the Huntsman is ready."
Dr List is unconcerned and insistent. "It's what they signed up for, and the boy has taken to the conditioning faster than Barnes did. Apparently young boys in times of peace are more susceptible to our methods than hardened men in times of war. And our attempts to further his mutations have proven fruitful. He developed spinnerets and venomous fangs, and is even capable of changing the dosage, the effects ranging from temporary paralysis to agonizing death. It's even altered his brain chemistry, allowing us to imbue his programming with more... preparatory behaviours."
Strucker mutters under his breath. "I'm sure the half eaten guards have plenty of knowledge in that regard."
"The physical tests have proven that he stronger and faster than Barnes, and his strategic and scientific mind is unmatched, and so, unfortunately, is his wit."
Strucker is unperturbed. "My men can handle them."

"Are you sure this is where you saw him?"
Pietro follows behind his sister as she power walks down the halls of the HYDRA base. "Yes. And he'll have to help us, since we have this." She holds up a red book. They come across a locked room and Pietro uses his speed to enter all the possible codes, the door opening for them. What they find is underwhelming. A boy, based on his size, in a black skin tight suit with a red spider on it and black lenses in a mask, sitting on the ground against the wall, completely unmoving.
Pietro zips over to him and snaps his fingers in front of the boy's face. "You sure he's even alive?" He waves a hand in front of him. "Cause it doesn't look like anyone's home."
Wanda flips open to a certain page of the book. "We're about to find out." She starts speaking in Russian as she reads the passage. "Паук, много ног, убить, Хантман." Looking up from the page, there is no noticeable difference in the boy's posture.
But then his blank lenses suddenly light up in blood red as his head subtly tilts upwards to look at her. "Готов выполнить."
Her own eyes glowing a devilish red, Wanda commands him. "Kill the Avengers."

The Huntsman used his webs to swing and leap between trees high in the air before he came across Black Widow and Hawkeye, the latter evidently having been injured (he could smell the blood), with the former calling for backup. "Clint's hit pretty bad guys. We're gonna need an evac."
"Вас эвакуируют в сумке для тела."

Credit where credit is due, her reflexes are fast, if the split second between finishing that sentence and dodging bullets is anything to go by. Widow calls in the new arrival. "I've got another enhanced, in the trees!" A web to the mouth keeps her from spilling more information, and he uses a web line to rip away the gun and glue it to the ground. He lands in front of her in a crouch, rising to make a "come at me" gesture. "Пусть победит лучший паук."
Accepting the challenge, Black Widow assumes a fighting stance before Huntsman charges at her.

This fight was severely unbalanced. Black Widow had tears of experience and training, but her specialty was espionage, and she had no weapon. Meanwhile, this kid was clearly an enhanced, if the impact behind his punches were anything to go by, and effortlessly dodged every punch and kick she threw at him like he already knew it was coming. And he didn't even use his weird web things yet. Cold dread settled on her heart when her wrist was secure in his hand. "Мне становится скучно." He ducks under a punch and webs both her feet to the ground and secured a web line from her free hand to her feet before back flipping away.

He turns to the injured Hawkeye before assuming a position on all fours and crawling towards him, limbs turning at odd angles. He crawls over the injured archer, turning him over and crawling all around him, wrapping in a web much like an actual spider, much to the mounting horror of Black Widow. An invisible seam in the mask opens, revealing his shape fangs while he lowers his head, ready to pump his jugular with enough venom to make a rhino froth at the mouth. Black Widow does her best to beg for his life through the web coating her mouth, but her muffled pleas fall on deaf ears. Huntsman pauses when he senses danger and bends over backwards to avoid a hammer flying at him.

Glaring at the blonde source of the hammer, he growls. "Грубо прерывать ужин." Black Widow's eyes widen and dart over to Clint's wrapped body at the implications.
Thor, regaining his hammer, points it at Huntsman. "I don't know who you are or where you come from, but you are young, so I ask that you surrender now."
The HYDRA agent's lenses seem to squint, as if insulted. "Паук-охотник принимает смерть перед сдачей."
Thor's expression becomes solemn at Huntsman's refusal. "Then you leave me no choice." He readies his hammer, and Huntsman tenses, ready for a fight, only for his attention to be drawn by a roar that triggers his senses.

Turning, he catches sight of a tank flying through the air towards him, and he catches it, his hands denting the metal. His senses don't stop, however, they merely shift their focus, and he catches sight of a lightning bolt before he feels a lot of searing pain.


Паук, много ног, убей, Охотник
Spider, many legs, kill, Huntsman

Готов выполнить
Ready to comply

Вас эвакуируют в сумке для тела
You are being evacuated in a body bag

Мне становится скучно
I'm getting bored

Грубо прерывать ужин
It's rude to interrupt dinner

Паук-охотник принимает смерть перед сдачей
The huntsman Spider embraces death before surrender

Huntsman SpiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora