A date with June at the beach

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June manage to live on his own after being heal but only for temporary as he needs to continue seeing the healer but while at this,he brought you to the beach to take fresh air and walking barefoot on the sands. It was a wonderful sunny day you both had together until you started to splash the ocean at him unexpectedly but he just laughs it off and you both had a water splashing fight. It was adorable.

Then when lunch time came,you both got hungry and wet but luckily June came in prepared with spare clothes and lunch. You both had fresh fruits and barbeque grilled chicken for lunch and after that,you both decided to change into dry clothes which you both did in respective changing stalls. You were wearing June's clothes since you forgot to pack yours as he did came in prepared since he was expecting this. His shirt was a little loose on you but only your left shoulder is shown and you had to wear short pants since his shirt looks like a dress to you on how big it is.

Later,you both went to the playground area of the beah, playing on the swings like children would which is quite adorable and the couples there sees you both as a couple as well, making you both blush. But while you were so deep in thought,June kissed your cheek, making you blush even more as you felt like a steaming kettle inside of you because of it. You whine about this to June which he finds it adorable when you're whining and pouting because of his tease. The way you pout,just makes you looked like a child who's having a tantrum in his eyes and maybe because you're shorter than him which makes it like it.

Hours later,you both went to his house while his parents are going to work for 3 days so you both have dinner together there and watch some Netflix to have a romantic atmosphere as a couple. Slowly,you got to sleepy to the point you fell asleep in his arms and he kissed your forehead goodnight. He cuddled you and holds you close to him like you are the most precious thing in the world to him until he fall asleep as well.

That's the time you will kept in your heart and mind as your first date with June once you both met one day. No matter what happens, you got each other's back and will love each other till the end of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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