Pilot Chapter

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Early in the morning, in a City far away from the normal People is a forest that hides the people of the Ancient Arcturus Forest.A city that has lived past the golden age of Magic and survived the 'Witch Hunt' holds the remaining knowledge of the forgotten arts of magic. One ancient clan that was hidden far away from the unknowing eye.

The Kagari Clan.

Long ago, the city was created by a powerful Witch that ruled over the land of knowledge and patience who created a society for her children to live. Many nights passed on till the day of the 'Last Full moon '. The witch passed on as the moon shined the brightest it ever had and continued to guard and watch over the next generations. Till today. A faithful day written in the stars , the prophecy that shall doom the people of the Arcturus Forest.


It was the day of the ceremony as a small boy stood in a crowd adorned with the most beautiful jewellery, which tinted blue in the Moonlight. He stood excitedly next to his older sister, Dawa. She smiled softly, waiting for their mother to appear behind the blue Curtains that blocked the view from the rest. The siblings stood out in their expensive jewellery and the beautiful white clothes they wore with a matching Witch hat. After all, it was the ceremony for their mother.

The crowd silenced as a single bell rang and echoed through the whole forest. Soon, more instruments joined the soft bells as the curtains slowly lifted. (name)'s eyes shone in excitement as he leaned forward, wanting to get a better look.

Slowly, footsteps joined the music. It was midnight, and the moonlight shone onto the stage, shining bright down onto the woman who walked out . She was dressed in a beautiful white dress that looked absolutely ethereal in the white light that the moon gifted.

After she walked to the front, an old lady soon followed as she directed her head towards the moon. Stretching her hands upwards, she spoke loudly.

"The moon has spoken ! My dear witches, we have been blessed with a New 'High Priestess'!! Her name shall be yelled for the Moon, Wise With Elatha Kagari!!"

The villagers repeated the name as (name), and Dawa were led towards the stage. The old woman directed her attention to the two.

"Elatha Kagari shall rule over this coven and bless us with a bright future! Her children Dawa Kagari and (Name) Kagari shall be the role models of the younglings in this sacred city and as well teach us the good side of the youth!!"

The crowd cheered as (name) waved excitedly. He was happy, the crowd was happy the perfect ceremony came to the end.

The ceremony was marked down in history. For four years, the city lived happily till the day the Priestess had fallen ill. The rare disease,'Black Wither', infected the young woman in a cold spring. The citizens were still unsure how she got the illness, and everything from there went negative. The autumn harvest was terrible, and without a queen, the city soon went into chaos. The forest trees were wilting without the magic produced by  Elatha. The people were worrying over the future of the forest.

The prophecy happened, and the Priestess was in a coma because of the illness her body decorated with black spots. Her children Dawa and (Name) tried their best to please the village, but they were still young, with Dawa being 16 and (name) only 13. Dawa soon left the city to study outside of the safety leaving (name) alone to take care of the coven.

He stressed himself learning any spells that could help the folk. He stressed himself finding a cure for his sick mother. The old lady often visited him, trying her best to stand by his side and support him. 
During the 4 years that passed (name), he studied hard till he was an expert in spells and helped daily around the village. The old lady took over the spot of the Priestess till she awakes from her coma. She tried hard to find a cure to cure the sick woman till

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