chapter 1 meet the boys

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In the abyss there sat a god he oversaw everything he controlled almost everything and he was bored as fuck

God "okay I'm bored as hell.... Maybe it would be fun if I isekai'ed some poor German guy and some kid from Canada to another universe" he said then he snapped his fingers and two people appeared

Triton "the fuck! I was just writing fanfiction"

Triton was a 17 year old boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and with white skin

Friedrich "the fuck! I was sleeping!" Said the 20 year old German with also dark blonde hair and blue eyes

God "you have been summoned"

Triton "Holy shit!"

Friedrich "can we get this over with I have work tomorrow"

God "now Triton, Friedrich you all have read enough fanfiction to know what's happening"

Triton "what? Are we being isekai'ed?!" He asked excitedly

Friedrich "which universe?" He sighed

God "the RWBY one and I know you have been waiting to yell at them for not having military or defensive armaments to defend themselves or am I wrong?" He asked

Friedrich "absolute" he said with a glimmer in his eyes

God "alright I'll send you to the RWBY world and do your guys history nerd stuff with your German equipment and weapons from the 20th century and with video game logic have fun" then with that he snapped his fingers and they were on their way


Triton woke up in the sky in a WW1 battlefield 1 German Empire uniform

Triton woke up in the sky in a WW1 battlefield 1 German Empire uniform

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He was falling and next to him appeared Friedrich in his uniform

He was falling and next to him appeared Friedrich in his uniform

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(The uniform)

Friedrich and Triton "aaaaaaaaa!" They all fell down

Triton hit the ground

Triton "owww!" He cried in pain just for Friedrich to land on his back

Triton "owww! Fuck!" He cried out in pain again in near tears

2 idiots in Remnant Where stories live. Discover now