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A wild y/n is now stuck in a tree...

Calling for help-

How? You may ask?

A few high school delinquents were caught scaring a small kitten that was on top of a tree branch that was high up, so y/n decided to bring the kitten back home and had somehow forgot that she couldn't get down from trees...

But to her luck, a black haired male had heard her cries of help and had carefully carried the small girl and kitten down the branches,

"Hey kid! how the hell did you get stuck in a tree!?"

"I was trying to save this kitty!"

The male wore a plain white tee shirt with jeans.
He smelt like cigarettes and engine fuel.

"What's your name Mr?"

Y/n said with a bright smile,

"Oh right! My name's Shinichiro Sano!
It's a pleasure to meet you kid!"

'She reminds me a bit of Manjiro but cuter'

The small female then gave the teenager a bright grin which had almost led to the teen's blindness,

"Well it was a wonderhoy time meeting you Mr!"

"It's too bright"-

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