Act 3

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It's been a mouth since Atra and I have reunited, and awkward is an understatement. While yes, things have been great hanging with her again is a dream come true. However, it just feels off. Maybe it's because of the 7 year difference. Or perhaps old feelings are coming back. Atra was something like a crush. Although we were 6 and 7, so honestly, what did we know.

She met my friends Michael Davis, a man with curly brown hair, and Adam Taylor, a man with shaggy like hair that is dark brown. I also met her friend Emma and Suki.
Today, Emma, Suki, and I had breakfast with Craig and his friends Michael and Adam, along with Michael's girlfriend Charlotte Diaz, a Latina girl with vitiligo, which is noticeable on her neck and legs. She is so kind and sweet, and Michael and Adam are nice guys, by the way. Lucky enough, we have a food court as a cafeteria for the school, which is awesome. My old middle school never had this, and Suki loves it. We had to go to my class, and that's when things went wrong.

The teacher's pet Mark, who flirted with me at the beginning of the year. When he saw Craig, he looked pissed and calm at the same time. He walks over to us. "Hey, good looking." He spoke. "Leave me alone." "Come on babe, I'll treat you right."

"Dude, just back off." Craig spoke. "Back off Dead-End." Dead-End? Who is Dead-End? I remember Michael and Adam mentioned someone called Dead-End but never said who they were. "You know who I am, good so back off." Wait, Craig is Dead-End? I never knew that. I know he has a Dead End street sign and cut his face open with one, which Michael told me. But I never knew people called him that.

Mark puts his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, sweetcheeks, I won't bite." Craig shoved him away from me. "Dude she isn't interested so fuck off." Mark looked pissed. He swings at and punched Craig in the face. "CRAIG?" He looks at me, he has a black eye on his right eye. Michael and Adam pushed Mark. "The Fuck?" Michael yelled. "Fucker had it coming." That made Suki angry. Emma takes Suki's hand. "Easy Suki."

Charlotte and I help Craig up. "Are you okay, Craig?" Charlotte asked. "I'll be fine." He looks at Mark.

"Is that the best you got mother fucker?" Mark looks at him. "Sure I got plenty more in me Dead-End." A teacher soon breaks them up. "Mr. Ryan, Mr. Wells, Principal's office now!"
At the principal's office, I should be getting an earful, but I'm not. Mark got suspended for two weeks, and I got detention. Atra, Suki, Emma, Michael, and Adam also got sent to the principal's office. Nothing happened to them they were asked to explain what happened.

I also learned that Suki was gonna fuck up Mark for me. I now have a new respect for her and don't want to on her bad side. God this sucks that Atra had to see that. I mean being Dead-End is cool and all but it ain't fun. Dead-End is a smart ass who can't keep his mouth shut but she never knew that side of me. Hope it doesn't kill her view on me.
I feel bad for Craig. I know Michael and Adam told me Craig has gotten into fights because of Dead-End, but I never knew he was Dead-End. I mean, Dead-End isn't the kindest person in the town, but I should give him a break. I don't know what happened after I left.

Honestly, I kinda like Dead-End carefree person who sticks up for others. That's kinda cool.

Dead-End's Love: Childhood FriendWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu